Saturday, March 31, 2012

Murder Most Foul #3 in a series - David Wayne TAMIHERE- Murderer / Rapist / Robber

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Urban Höglin and Heidi Paakkonen (Photo credit: Wikipedia)"]Urban Höglin and Heidi Paakkonen[/caption]

Just after I arrived in NZ there was quite a sensational murder mystery that unfolded. The "Swedish Backpacker Murders" And the Starring role was taken by one David Wayne Tamihere. Today I was reading an "exclusive" article in Metro Magazine, adn so it's time I got my thoughts together on this. For me.

David TAMIHERE was convicted of the 1972 Murder/Manslaughter  of Mary Barcham, 23 (stripper),  by Hitting her on the head with a rifle.

Also assaulted a 62 year old woman in her home in 1985.
Also has some other sexual assault and assault convictions on record,  including a conviction for assaulting another woman in her home in the 1980s

And so to the 1989 conviction of Murder of Sven Urban Höglin, 23, and his fiancée Heidi Birgitta Paakkonen, 21, both from, Sweden, travelling in NZ as  tourists. For which he was  sentenced to life imprisonment with a 10-year non-parole period in December 1990.

The body of Heidi Birgitta Paakkonen remains missing at this time.

Some of the background;

On 8 April 1989, backpacking tourists Höglin and Paakkonen from Storfors, Sweden went into the bush near Thames. They vanished and were reported missing in May.

The disappearance led to an intense police investigation under the name Operation Stockholm, and attracted substantial media interest. Police, local residents, search and rescue and military personnel carried out the largest land-based search undertaken in New Zealand, performing grid-searches centred on Crosbie's Clearing, 12 km from Thames.

Tamihere, a fugitive for skipping bail for a 1986 rape, admitted stealing the Subaru car belonging to the couple. There was only one known key to the car that was found in the possession of David Tamihere, and he claims to have broken into the car with a bit of #8 wire and found the key in the glovebox.  It would seem that there are 3 "experts" who were unable to replicate the feat of getting into the car with the same method.

He was arrested, and tried for their murder starting in October 1990. At the trial three witnesses (fellow inmates of Tamihere's, granted name suppression by the court) gave evidence that Tamihere had confessed the murder to them.

Two trampers also identified Tamihere as a man they saw with a woman believed to be Paakkonen in a remote clearing. The court also heard Tamihere tied Höglin to a tree and sexually abused him before raping Paakkonen.


In October 1991, ten months after the conviction, pig hunters discovered the body of Höglin near Whangamata; Paakkonen's body has never been found. Höglin's body was recovered 73 km from where police alleged the murders took place.

With the body was a watch which police claimed at his trial Tamihere had given to his son following the murders. Discovery of the body also contradicted the testimony of a (Secret) prosecution witness who said Tamihere had confessed to cutting up the bodies and throwing them into the ocean.

I understand from reading an article in Metro Magazine  that in prison David Tamihere told various stories and variations on a theme to various people in an effort to cath outr anyone who "ratted on him".

In the book Hard Cases, the theory Tamihere did not act alone is forwarded, on the basis that as there were no defensive cuts to the bones of his hands, Höglin may have been held from behind while being stabbed from the front.

Most bizarrely is this contention:

Documents obtained from the estate of a deceased Investigate reader have thrown new light on a 23 year old cold case – the disappearance of Swedish tourists Urban Hoglin and Heidi Paakkonen.

The couple disappeared in April 1989 on the Coromandel peninsula, and David Wayne Tamihere was arrested soon after on suspicion of their murders. The body of Urban Hoglin was subsequently found by pig-hunters at the foot of a bluff in the Coromandel ranges in 1991, but Heidi’s body has never been found.

For years it has been presumed Heidi Paakkonen is also buried somewhere in the Coromandel bush, but the documents passed to Investigate suggest that is not the case – she was last seen alive north of Auckland.

The story begins on Kawau Island in Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf, and a Christian couple’s suspicions in the mid 1980s that a local criminal with drug and organised crime connections had constructed a house complete with a large underground facility. The couple, who’d accidentally discovered the facility while visiting the property on business, felt the complex could have been used to hold people against their will, and because of its remote position primary access to the outside world was via the sea and a private jetty.

Well yes of course, secret underground lair.  Having said that undoubtedly the Police did botch up parts of the case. But I would be very surprised if David Tamihere was not responsible for the killings or has other knowledge that for reasons unknown he hasn't or will not share.

David Wayne TAMIHERE Released on parole on November 15, 2010, currently denies involvement in these murders. Current a cause célèbre with Metro Magazine and some other media outlets.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Looking back in anger can make you sick

This today: Dwelling on the past may not only stop you from enjoying each day to the full - it could also be bad for your health.

Surprising that since it's a study that has a massive representative group of 100;

"50 men and women were asked about their feelings about the past and future, as well as their physical and mental health and quality of life. The questions included how often they think about things they should have done differently, whether they worry about not getting things done on time and whether they live life a day at a time"

From this worryingly small sample you can glean all sorts of things

"Research suggests that people who look back at their past experiences full of regrets about missed opportunities or with bitterness about how they have been treated are more likely to fall ill and generally have a poorer quality of life."

My question of course is who doesn't live their life with regrets and flashbacks to instances where they could have done things differently, or decisions made and regretted. Of Life and career choices that really did change their course of life and outcome?

"The people who are best off are the sensible sorts who have a nostalgic view of the past and manage to learn from it, rather than let it drag them down. This means they plan for the future but do not neglect the present. Many previous studies have linked a person's outlook on life to their health. One of the most recent found hypochondriacs really may be destined for an early grave. "

And this startling thought "Those who complain about their health are up to three times more likely to die in the next 30 years than those who regard themselves as more robust, it suggested."

Which is a bit of a nonsense when you really think about it. What are the statistical odds of you dying in the next 30 years?

via Looking back in anger can make you sick: study - Life & Style - NZ Herald News. and you guessed it lifted from the Daily Mail. Who knew you could cram so much nonsense into so little space.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It’s not what they say it’s how you read them – Personalised Plates - The Follow Up

I recently saw a couple of personalised plates on my travel in Albany. These are those;

And being the curmudgeon I am I paused to think about the good taste and decency that these showed. I contacted the people at but they are only the issuing agency and not arbiters of taste and decency and I was referred to the NZTA a chap by the name of Alan Montgomery who job title wasn't "registrar" as I'd thought but rather  "Manager Customer Access"

So I wrote a real letter, and used a real envelope and stamp and sent away a missive. This is in part the reply;

Monday, March 26, 2012

Beer – #13 in a series – Banana Bread Beer

Gosh,  This is a very 'fizzy" on the tounge beer this one. And whilst hit smells like Bananas it's not  in a banana way,  more the sort of the banana you get from lolls, a faux banana.

The Wells Brewery say; "This unique brew combines all the traditional qualities and style of a Charles Wells beer with the subtle flavour of banana" and they've been at it since at least 2002 when they won a prize for best in show.

Pdubyah says  "what a weird concoction". The label says it's made with Fair trade bananas so that's alright then, isn't it? It might be that fair trade bananas taste like candy bananas. Who knows.

Not quite the taste sensation that it implies, nor is it something that I think I'd be happy with as a 'Session" beer. For mine it promises more than a passing sense of smell and for that reason on the arbitrary pdubyah-o-meter is's a 3 out of 5 or 6 from 10 if you're old money.

But at 5.2 Alc/Vol and in a pint size I might not care after a couple. And thanks again New World Supermarket Albany you have an amazing selection

Helping them grow up - the frustrating bit

Having two children, one a boy and one a girl. and with them having diametrically opposed dispositions is making for a fractious time.

The awkward  bit after teenage and before the leaving home  bit. That awkward bit when they're just hanging around.

The boy. Lazy or stubborn is  word that we as parents use. Along with bright, capable, clever, and also with nice personality and  gentle. But Lazy or willfully stubborn.

He's just as happy waiting for something to come to him, and it's often "someone else's fault", "I waiting for someone", or mostly "I'll do it tomorrow". I'm sure it's not deliberate and that he is this way with everyone he has as friends.

As a gown man it makes me despair that MrsPdubyah has to leave a list of things that he has to do, and this list includes 'pick up your wet towel from the floor" and "do not leave your wet towel on your bed".

And you'll know we brought him a new car (well two new to him cars one of which we never mention), and I've yet to have a thank you for that, even words, but it would be nice to get a 6 pack or a bottle of wine as a token. It's expensive getting them their freedom.

Spending every waking moment in his bedroom isn't helping either, oh he has  30 hours a week job, but this leaves him with two full days of mooching and waiting.

And we're waiting on him moving out, well I am, and I'm hoping that this will be the waking up and facing up that the world is a bit scary and that you have to go to it rather than letting it come to you. It's ok having a grand plan, and his appears to be load up with another 10K of student debt on the promise of a job. We've told him to work hard for 6 months and then if he really wants it to think about it again, or take the night class option and learn and work at the same time. Like that's going to happen.

All of which sounds a bit nasty, although it isn't meant to be. It's just very frustrating that he's uncommunicative, and outwardly selfish and greedy. I'm sure he's as uncomfortable with it as I am.

The other one, the girlchild, well she was a fairly handy top grade field hockey player and has had a fair chunk of investment made in her sports achievements. Not this year, she's given up, dead stop given up. Nothing more to be said. Heartbreaking on our part, but she's throwing her weight about. I think that she'll regret it.

But she is study mad, and will over analyze her study assignments and write endless lists of things that she wants to do when she leaves schools and gets to University. Which surprises me as I thought that she'd be heading overseas for a bit of OE. There is plenty of time for change of minds to happen though, we'll see.

Common to both of them is the expectation of a hotel level lifestyle, always food in the fridge and if it's in the fridge or cupboard then it's fair game to be eaten. Even if it's something unusual and different that we don't usually have. That and the magical laundry and picking up fairy that follows them around. Oh and the magical Internet fairy that ensures we don't have too little interwebs and always have access 24/7. All those things.

Also common to both of them is this pain I have that they both have cushy lives. We have a comfortable house, in a comfortable place, and they both have comfortable rooms, plenty of food and don't really want for much. This is in some measure a response to my own frugal upbringing and my own way of trying to make it better for them. What will be scary is that they'll struggle to make it to the same level of comfort that we have as parents. So I'm note sure we are doing any favors.

In the unlikely event they read this I would suggest that they both start brining things to the table, by way of chores and by way of helping out, from knowing the lawns, washing cars, putting the washing on, vacuüm and tidy duties, and the dreaded cleaning the shower and bathroom things. Although MrsPdubyah seems to enjoy those it gives her something to complain to me about that the kids aren't doing,

On the upside they don't smoke, do drugs, or part till they vomit. They're well spoken and well mannered and a pleasure to be around (so other parents tell me) but like most tweens they are lost in a new world where the jobs I started at don't exist, you know the ones with the Banks, the Post Office, the Insurance companies, the Government Departments, those jobs that we now do with Laptops and call-centers.

It's hard and not getting easier, I'm happy to let them go, and often wish they'd get the hint, treating them as children isn't working out well, and MrdPdubyah is getting to that point slowly. Sadly the house will be empty without them, and that'll me me and MrsPdubyah will have to entertain ourselves.

Friday, March 23, 2012

It's official! but Is there a reward or punishment for following or disobeying the Official decree?

I marvel at the use of the word "Official" or even it's overuse.  Of course I could be being a curmudgeon on this, it happens, or hey , it's official because I declared it to be so - my official position on this, as opposed to my unofficial position on this is....

Official also, to my mind, often has a connotation of power, which then has a connotation of reward or punishment for being unofficial.

But today it kicked off. and here I am having my official ranty moment.

Today 'An official guideline that babies should be fed only breast milk for their first six months" I'm not even sure that the "official" of this means, or how it can be contexted. apparently it's "official" by decree of the "Ministry of Health and Children's Commissioner Dr Russell Wills are standing by the official guidelines" - but then justifies it with ""What should authorities advise when what good science says is best for baby is not what most parents do?" he asked."

I'm perplexed as to why it's Official and who really cares about what's "official" in this instance. Official to who? the bureaucrats? Is there's a reward or punishment for following or disobeying the Official line. It might be best practice or recommendation. Hiding behind "Official" seems to indicate that there is contention. Person X says that the "official" position is "blah blah blah"

So I quickly looked up "Official" on a news site...

"The Official Weather Forecast" - I'd hate to think that there is a punishment to putting you hand out the window and having a good guess in the morning and disagreeing with the Offical

"The Herald on Sunday is the official newspaper of the Vodafone Warriors" - Hopefully there are enough pictures to keep them occupied

" has been no official announcement on Kaino's future" -  Like he future is at the behest of some vague group or committee

"The Prime Minister doesn't believe an official inquiry is needed into " - or  an Authority to investigate

"Lee said he will file official misconduct charges and the matter will be referred to the city's Ethics Commission" - or whinging in the media

"pressure had been on investors since the official cash rate began dropping " - Again at the behest of some nebulous committee or group or what ?

" a national police official in Paris said. The official did not wish to be named in line with departmental " Guess who and what I do?

"the official arts festival complementing the games" - Don't you dare go to any other festival at all, or else!

"a lady in a tailored suit walking briskly towards me with an officiallooking ID badge bouncing from her lapel" - taken in by a shiny thing

"A former Corrections Department official has been jailed after earlier handing himself in for accepting bribes " or Employee

"The mother of one of the two 26 year olds said that she had received official notification" - A letter from a faceless person

"Britain promptly pricked up its ears, seizing the islands in 1794, before taking official possession in 1810 " - I guess the lawyers transferred the money and you signed the deeds of ownership or something ? This was a land grab and we called dibbs first.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Beer – #12 in a series – Old Peculier

From those fabulous people at Theakston- the Legend that is Old Peculier

The power of Old Peculier should never be under-estimated! A dark, strong beer Old Peculier is justifiably famous for its rich and complete character, its sheer strength – and for being a beer with a long history.

A pint sized of dark beer 5.6% beer that made me go cor!

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240"]Theakstons Brewery Theakstons Brewery (Photo credit: Effervescing Elephant)[/caption]

Googlevating it tells me: T&R Theakston is a British regional brewery located in the town of MashamNorth Yorkshire, England. They are the sixteenth largest brewer in the UK by market share, and the second largest brewer under family ownership after Shepherd Neame.


On the Pdubyah arbitrary star-o-meter this one is easily 5 from 5, but then I'd decided that before I opened it and welcomed an old and lost friend back into my life. You little beauty!

I was at North Head - The guns and tunnels…

North Head Devonport, North Shore.  It seems to have undergone a slow transformation, and still seem in need of some TLC. But it's fairly accessible and an easy hour of your time.

We've always taken a torch, there are a few nooks and crannies that need one, and a couple of passageways that having a torch helps with.

And the walk along the water was pleasant and in some measure was its own adventure.

Stories are told that there are 2 planes from the war buried inside, In the mid nineties the Army was called in to jack hammer and try to find these planes supposedly in the hill. Local residents were told possible ammunition still fully charged could go off at any time, but nothing was found after several weeks work. Many of the tunnels now days are blocked and the public can only go so far.
 Nothing like  a good conspiracy to keep it interesting.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

No Bain - No Gain - Joe Karam claimed a total of $272,822 in legal aid - now wants a share of David Bain's compo

Beyond the HuttRiver - New Zealand today..: Joe Karam claimed a total of $272,822 in legal aid - now wants a share of David Bain's compo...

I repost this here fully acknowledging that it was posted here

Karam Claimed 2045 hours over a 13 month period on the Bain Case

Information released by Legal Aid Services in relation to the 2009 retrial of David Bain: During the period up to and including the 2009 retrial Joe Karam claimed some $365,879 in legal aid. Of this $272,822 was in fees and $93,057 in disbursements (expenses such as accommodation, food and travel). From 22 May 2007 to 31 January 2008, Karam claimed 749 hours for which he was paid $75 per hour as an "unqualified legal executive" acting under the supervision of Michael Reed. From 1 February 2008 to 5 March 2009, Karam claimed about 2045 hours at $95 an hour. This amounts to around an average of 37.5 hours on a weekly basis, allowing for statutory holidaysbut no other time off, for a 13 month period. Karam claimed a further 235 hours for work during the retrial from 6 March 2009 to 5 June 2009. Summary:

749 hours@ $75$56,175
2045.5 hours@ $95$194,322
235 hours@ $95$22,325

It has been suggested that any compensation awarded to David Bain would include payment for legal services to Joe karam. As you can see above, Joe karam was well-paid for his legal services - a total of $272,822 in legal aid

April 2012 Update:
Convicted killer Clayton Weatherston's legal aid bill has passed $440,000, with more invoices due

update : 28th April

The legal aid bill for David Bain's retrial was $3.33m, the highest amount in legal history.

Convicted in 1995 of murdering his parents, Robin, 58, and Margaret, 50, his sisters Arawa, 19, and Laniet, 18, and his 14-year-old brother Stephen, Bain was acquitted at a 2009 retrial.

The Ministry of Justice told Radio New Zealand that the final figure for Bain's defence was $3.33 million.

Of that amount, $2.33 million went towards the retrial costs and almost $1 million was paid for expenses in the retrial like research, investigators and forensics.

Lawyer's fees throughout the High Court, Court of Appeal and retrial process amounted to $1.77 million of the total bill.

Bain's lawyer, Michael Reed QC, told Radio NZ most of the costs of the retrial were to pay for overseas experts.

Bain is not receiving legal aid in his bid for compensation.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The one with the Motivationals

These were sent to me some time ago, along with a bunch of "candid" Wal-Mart people pictures. Someone somewhere has a lot of time, and a fair dollop of humor on their hands.

[gallery link="file" order="DESC" orderby="rand"]

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Why George Best's death is the worst thing that's ever happened to me.

"When I heard the terrible news that George Best had passed away I cried and cried and cried. I cried and cried more than I have ever cried in my whole life.

I cried and cried and cried because more than anyone else I have never met George Best represented something important. Important to me.

As a schoolboy huddled on the grainy, black and white football terraces of the past, his dazzling football skills opened my says to a Technicolor world that was limitless and free and beautiful.  A world that was limitless. A world that was free. And, yes, a world that was beautiful.

George Best was all those things and more. He was limitless. He was free. And, yes, he was beautiful. Before George the Saturday afternoon football match was a dismal, grey experience. Drab grey men would pass a lumpy grey leather ball to each other on a cold, churned up, muddy, grey bomb site whilst the crowd of  black and white, grey men in dull, flat, lumpy, grey caps smoked Woodbines, yawned and looked at their feet.

When George appeared on the scene it was like being struck by  lightning, sticking your fingers in a socket and being struck by some more lightning all rolled into one. It felt like seeing Jimi Hendrix, the Beatles and Elvis Presley all rolled into one. Every time he touched the ball he literally defied the laws of gravity. I can still recall the trill of seeing him on the news yesterday doing things with a football that no-on else on earth would ever have attempted, let alone tried.

With every effortless kick, he taught us more about wisdom than ten Confuciusses. With every graceful swerve around a defender he taught us more about freedom than a hundred Mandellas. With every sublime header, he taught us more about artistry than a thousand Michelangelos. With every picturesque indirect free kick, he taught us more about beauty than a million Marilyn Monroes.

By any measure you care to choose George Best was the most perfect and flawless human being who ever lived.

And yet, he wasn't perfect. Far from it. Like all of us he had his flaws"

... and so it goes on.  I found this in a comic book that I have. Viz, and it's written under a byline of Tony Parsehole.

I found it humorous and I wonder if it's a template for any near future obituaries that we're about too see, and if it had been used as and previous ones.

I'm not big on forced faux grief. On forced empathy and sympathy, of forced and faux mourning, If you're affected be affected, don't try to get me to join in with that, it's not going to happen.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Trying Teen Times – the grown up one – A New Car redux

This time though.... Well we still do have the big red garden ornament, its outside gathering a cobweb and surrounded by road cones as the road works goes on around it. It'll be like the H.G.Wells time machine it sits there much longer. It's innards and stowed in the boot, for someone braver or richer than I to put back together and it'll be off to the crusher shortly. The same way car #1 went, the trust Mazda Famillia.

Today though I announce a new new new car, a Nissan Sunny in Blue. It's 12 years old and has a stately 185K on the clock, and being totally mechanically minded I can tell you it drives ok.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]B14型日産・サニー[/caption]

It's an ex-rental and will come delivered with a new Windscreen as the old one has a big stone chip, it'll have a full valet and service, WOF and reggo. plus it'll have a basic break and bring it back warranty for a month.

And it didn't cost the earth.

So second time lucky and third time a charm on this one. Boy child should get a bit more use out of it than the 10 or so days from the last one.

Or not.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Growing up and letting go – sporting your life vicariously - Update

Well it seems I lost the good fight to Keep daughter into playing Hockey this year. Having had all the advantages, support, encouragement and backing of many people, having had access to some of the best mentors and role models, and playing with some of the finest élite players we have in the best team for the best club, it seems isn't enough. I tried.