I recently saw a couple of personalised plates on my travel in Albany.
http://pdubyah.com/2012/02/16/its-not-what-they-say-its-how-you-read-them-personalised-plates/ These are those;

And being the curmudgeon I am I paused to think about the good taste and decency that these showed. I contacted the people at
Plates.co.nz but they are only the issuing agency and not arbiters of taste and decency and I was referred to the
NZTA a chap by the name of
Alan Montgomery who job title wasn't "registrar" as I'd thought but rather "Manager Customer Access"
So I wrote a real letter, and used a real envelope and stamp and sent away a
missive. This is in part the reply;

So my letter was a question and not a complaint, but it doesn't go on to tell me how to complain about something that I've taken offense to (and remember that you can only take offence it's not something you can give). So armed with a new sense of righteousness I of course hopped on to the plates.co.nz web site again and of course tried my own variations
You can't have SHIT, URSHIT, SHITTY or SHITTR, but you can have SHITTNG and SHITSU
You can't have GDCUNT, MINGE, or COCK (but HEN has been taken) and I know people who use those words all the time. Munter is ok. NONCE is allowed which is a slag term for is a slang word used to refer to a sex offender or child sexual abuser, or paedophile. Spell it with a C or an S - still available.
I did not that you can have PDUBYA perhaps I can get that with a word surround that say he's a good cunt that Pdubya, perhaps.

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