That time every 3 years in
New Zealand when we get to cast our collective say on what bunch of hypocrites governs us for 3 years, which is more like 2 years when all is said and done.
NZ National Party , having acquired a set of books from the outgoing
NZ Labour Party of 9 years they've managed to walk into a couple of unexpected items, such as the
Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and an Earthquake, and a bit of a boat wreck. They've dropped the tax rate for the higher income earners - much to the disgust of the socialist left and greens, and raised the
GST rate, again much to the disgust of the Labour and
Green party. That's about all they've done though it's not really been a time of forward thinking but one of introspection.
The Labour Party have campaigned hard on how badly the National Party are doing, that's their whole mantra. Look what National did isn't it bad. Dropping the tax rate - bad - because it's only "rich pricks" who benefit - bad bad bad, and raising GST, that's bad because it only punished the lower-income earners, double plus bad. The only policy shambles they've come up with is a
Capital Gains Tax system, A tax on the rich, and at the end of a property bubble, which makes no sense. it might be an income generator in a few years, but it isn't a fix for anything.
The Green Party are content to bag everyone about everything and clearly only want to target "rich pricks" with various incremental taxes, you earn more you pay more - for a
Christchurch recovery fund- that makes no sense at all- it isn't "fair" as they'd like you to belive, it's targeted at the rich - who allegedly can afford more, somehow.
I don't have any time for the
Māori party - a separatist movement - along with the Mana party, they're not really sure what they are for or against, as long as it bags whitey and "the crown"
Couple of other things come to mind, the Labour party want to have a raise in the minimum wage, and an even more complex comparative wage standard in certain industries - yet they don't want minimum standards of education for our children. That seems like madness.
So with only a few weeks ago it'll be sling some mud time, see what sticks, then credit the voters with enough sense to pick and choose.