Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Things to belive in - Part one the First

I've been listening to a number of skeptical podcasts, that is podcasts that have a skeptical look at things. I'd recommend the Righteous Indignation podcasts, they've been interviewing 'believers' in a very sympathetic way.

Anyways. Thing is. Climate change. Again.

I don't believe it's a man-made thing. I still believe this. I believe in climate change, it's obvious, or seems obvious with age. Seasons are later then I remember as a child, and summer seems to last longer into the new year. So it seems.

What troubles me still is the 'man made' bit. I've blogged a bit on this before, so this is not a new position for me.

Where do I sit then when people want to throw out labels such as 'climate change denier'. Skeptical podcasters do this, somehow they've elevated themselves to label makers. Of course I side with them about Homeopathy, Psychics and UFOlogists, but they are just different thinkers.

But "denier" gets my heckles up in an angry way. I don't deny it, I just deny that man did it.

I don't believe man went to the moon either. Just don't believe they had the technology.

I don't believe that there was a gunman on the grassy knoll, that Dianna was assassinated or that Lizards are the true rulers of the planet.

I believe that injections for vaccination are good things, I don't believe that fluoride in the water is a good thing - mass medication seems wrong, like putting folic acid in bread for the tiny number of pregnant women that have a deficiency - just seems wrong in an overkill way.

I don't believe in God, Heaven or Hell (I do capitalize just in case :-) )

Monday, November 29, 2010

Things to belive in - Part one the First

I've been listening to a number of skeptical podcasts, that is podcasts that have a skeptical look at things. I'd recommend the Righteous Indignation podcasts, they've been interviewing 'believers' in a very sympathetic way.

Anyways. Thing is. Climate change. Again.

I don't believe it's a man-made thing. I still believe this. I believe in climate change, it's obvious, or seems obvious with age. Seasons are later then I remember as a child, and summer seems to last longer into the new year. So it seems.

What troubles me still is the 'man made' bit. I've blogged a bit on this before, so this is not a new position for me.

Where do I sit then when people want to throw out labels such as 'climate change denier'. Skeptical podcasters do this, somehow they've elevated themselves to label makers. Of course I side with them about Homeopathy, Psychics and UFOlogists, but they are just different thinkers.

But "denier" gets my heckles up in an angry way. I don't deny it, I just deny that man did it.

I don't believe man went to the moon either. Just don't believe they had the technology.

I don't believe that there was a gunman on the grassy knoll, that Dianna was assassinated or that Lizards are the true rulers of the planet.

I believe that injections for vaccination are good things, I don't believe that fluoride in the water is a good thing - mass medication seems wrong, like putting folic acid in bread for the tiny number of pregnant women that have a deficiency - just seems wrong in an overkill way.

I don't believe in God, Heaven or Hell (I do capitalize just in case :-) )

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Driving Miss Daisy

Ms16 was so excited that she demanded I take her for a driving lesson in the car.

You can go miles in such a short space of time that it felt like we'd driven half of the city.

We came to a hill, and previously I'd been pointing out that 60 wasn't 50 - the speed limit, so we attack the hill - at 45ish, and it gets steeper,

we get slower,

I encourage pressing on the accelerator,

a little harder

a little harder

and then it kicks down a gear (as automatics do), and MS16 Screams and takes her foot off the accelerator.

Seems it's never done that before.

Driving Miss Daisy

Ms16 was so excited that she demanded I take her for a driving lesson in the car.

You can go miles in such a short space of time that it felt like we'd driven half of the city.

We came to a hill, and previously I'd been pointing out that 60 wasn't 50 - the speed limit, so we attack the hill - at 45ish, and it gets steeper,

we get slower,

I encourage pressing on the accelerator,

a little harder

a little harder

and then it kicks down a gear (as automatics do), and MS16 Screams and takes her foot off the accelerator.

Seems it's never done that before.

Subway Mystery pick

Just saying.

We have a monthly meeting where out of the goodness of their heart they buy subway sandwiches for us. So we get to pick from the extensive menu.

Last month my Chicken Fillet turned up as a vegetarian pattie!

This week it turned up as Chicken Fillet but without cheese.

It was free, I'm not complaining, but they did charge for it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Subway Mystery pick

Just saying.

We have a monthly meeting where out of the goodness of their heart they buy subway sandwiches for us. So we get to pick from the extensive menu.

Last month my Chicken Fillet turned up as a vegetarian pattie!

This week it turned up as Chicken Fillet but without cheese.

It was free, I'm not complaining, but they did charge for it.

The Birds and the bees.

It's that time, actually it's past that time, when as a father you have to face up to the fact that your daughter is in fact sexually mature.

Not that I think she is active. Blind Faith

But I think we're on safe ground to assume not. Anyways, it's that kind of thinking that gets you to thinking that hey she's confident, pretty and outgoing. It's summer, and with it are beaches, sun-tans and hanging around the beach. Standard summer fayre.

But it's easier to blog about the conversation I had with Mrs. Pdubyah than the conversation actually was.

It was Mrs.P that mentioned she thought Ms16 was turning out to be fairly pretty, and after I agreed for the reasons I mentioned above there was an uncomfortable silence.

"So" I ventured "You've spoken to her about contraception then"

uncomfortable silence

"They do that sort of thing in school" was the mumbled reply

So clearly it's not a comfortable subject and one which we need to address at some point in the next couple of days, since I've clearly made good my bet which allows a greater measure of freedom and self-determination. Not that for one minute that I'm worried or concerned or one of 'those' parents that molly coddle, cosset and protect their children.

Sex is after all sex. Unwanted babies are however generally unwanted.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Birds and the bees.

It's that time, actually it's past that time, when as a father you have to face up to the fact that your daughter is in fact sexually mature.

Not that I think she is active. *Blind Faith*

But I think we're on safe ground to assume not. Anyways, it's that kind of thinking that gets you to thinking that hey she's confident, pretty and outgoing. It's summer, and with it are beaches, sun-tans and hanging around the beach. Standard summer fayre.

But it's easier to blog about the conversation I had with Mrs. Pdubyah than the conversation actually was.

It was Mrs.P that mentioned she thought Ms16 was turning out to be fairly pretty, and after I agreed for the reasons I mentioned above there was an uncomfortable silence.

"So" I ventured "You've spoken to her about contraception then"

uncomfortable silence

"They do that sort of thing in school" was the mumbled reply

So clearly it's not a comfortable subject and one which we need to address at some point in the next couple of days, since I've clearly made good my bet which allows a greater measure of freedom and self-determination. Not that for one minute that I'm worried or concerned or one of 'those' parents that molly coddle, cosset and protect their children.

Sex is after all sex. Unwanted babies are however generally unwanted.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Made good my bet

I had, on reflection, a rather daft bet with Ms16 (then 15) about her ability to score a goal in hockey. As a "back" I was confident that I'd manage to win that.

The payback? Well foolishly "score and you get a car" - since at the time she wanted to learn to drive, and well it seemed a safe bet that I couldn't lose. Her team of much senior players, some black-sticks, and some very good quality players, meant that there was no chance, no chance in hell, of her being in a position to score.

Until the tail end of the season and coach, for no reason that I can fathom decides to put her on as a forward. Might have been teenage legs and run for everything.

So she scores, her first senior goal, and I'm not kidding that at least 20 people turn to me and say "ooh that's just cost you" Seems like a lot of people were in on the bet!

Not the coach though she was as happy and surprised as anyone.

So I got some reward for the weeks of watching - seeing Ms score a senior goal,  she got the car.

The car being the lost and found one, which we pick up on the weekend. It's a nanna mobile and is ideal.

oh and for the record Ms scored the following week for her School team. good things come in pairs

I Made good my bet

I had, on reflection, a rather daft bet with Ms16 (then 15) about her ability to score a goal in hockey. As a "back" I was confident that I'd manage to win that.

The payback? Well foolishly "score and you get a car" - since at the time she wanted to learn to drive, and well it seemed a safe bet that I couldn't lose. Her team of much senior players, some black-sticks, and some very good quality players, meant that there was no chance, no chance in hell, of her being in a position to score.

Until the tail end of the season and coach, for no reason that I can fathom decides to put her on as a forward. Might have been teenage legs and run for everything.

So she scores, her first senior goal, and I'm not kidding that at least 20 people turn to me and say "ooh that's just cost you" Seems like a lot of people were in on the bet!

Not the coach though she was as happy and surprised as anyone.

So I got some reward for the weeks of watching - seeing Ms score a senior goal,  she got the car.

The car being the lost and found one, which we pick up on the weekend. It's a nanna mobile and is ideal.

oh and for the record Ms scored the following week for her School team. good things come in pairs

Chasing the technology tail

Well so an I-Pad is just frippery then, unless I find one for say $600, and you know that's not going to happen any side of soon.

So the next thing that catches my eye, of course, as if I have money burning a hole in my pocket is perhaps and aPad, which is a 7" Android based tablet. Problem with that is that it's 7", and not an I-Pad. IT is cheap though, but at, say, $300, it's kind of nearly like half the price of an I-Pad,

So the next thing that catches my eye, of course, is perhaps and Android phone. Voda have one for $199 or DSE for $175. The problem with that of course is I have a work based BlackBerry that I use. It's not like I have friends or anything. So one of those would be sort of interesting and the a handbag filler for the wife.

I am then in a quandary as to what to spend money on, it's not like I need to or want to, but it's technology and I appear to be addicted to it.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chasing the technology tail

Well so an I-Pad is just frippery then, unless I find one for say $600, and you know that's not going to happen any side of soon.

So the next thing that catches my eye, of course, as if I have money burning a hole in my pocket is perhaps and aPad, which is a 7" Android based tablet. Problem with that is that it's 7", and not an I-Pad. IT is cheap though, but at, say, $300, it's kind of nearly like half the price of an I-Pad,

So the next thing that catches my eye, of course, is perhaps and Android phone. Voda have one for $199 or DSE for $175. The problem with that of course is I have a work based BlackBerry that I use. It's not like I have friends or anything. So one of those would be sort of interesting and the a handbag filler for the wife.

I am then in a quandary as to what to spend money on, it's not like I need to or want to, but it's technology and I appear to be addicted to it.

To IPad or Not

I don't need one, who does really.

I've however been looking out for one, and Apple are pretty rigid on pricing, I know this because I've had dealing with them before, and their model is all back-end rebate on volumes for the reseller.

Strikes me though that there should be a number available on trade-me for instance at reasonable price. Wrong.

One person is even trying to sell them at a premium still. Most are unwanted prizes and gifts. Lots are brought overseas and now being flicked off.

Despite the pricing overseas - converted at a current rate- is cheaper than here - I'm reluctant to buy one that's imported, and I'm reluctant to buy second hand to save $50.00, and I'm still reluctant to spend the best part of a grand for the privilege of owning a house toy - who'd be seen dead with one outside ?

Friday, November 12, 2010

To IPad or Not

I don't need one, who does really.

I've however been looking out for one, and Apple are pretty rigid on pricing, I know this because I've had dealing with them before, and their model is all back-end rebate on volumes for the reseller.

Strikes me though that there should be a number available on trade-me for instance at reasonable price. Wrong.

One person is even trying to sell them at a premium still. Most are unwanted prizes and gifts. Lots are brought overseas and now being flicked off.

Despite the pricing overseas - converted at a current rate- is cheaper than here - I'm reluctant to buy one that's imported, and I'm reluctant to buy second hand to save $50.00, and I'm still reluctant to spend the best part of a grand for the privilege of owning a house toy - who'd be seen dead with one outside ?

Sporting your life vicariously


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by Luther College Photos via Flickr"]Field Hockey 1977[/caption]

As you may know I'm big on supporting my children in their endeavours, particularly sporting ones.

Ms16 plays a mean game of field hockey, and it's between seasons now so all she has on is an 8-a-side thing and a social league thing, so we're down to 3 visits a week to the turf (one of for a sporting academy thing).

Making sure that it's important to have the best (we can afford) equipment we notice that the hockey shoppe has a sale on, so a chance to buy a new stick at a reasonable price, even if it's exactly the same as the one you have now it's still a lot cheaper than a '11 model. Makes sense.

Having traipsed to the shoppe on a weekend to try out some new(old) sticks we get a shrug and an "I don't know". Something is afoot,

Seems that there is a new kid in town - www.toahockey.com - a couple of kiwi blokes who are trying to break into the market with a small range of sticks, and MS16 has a friend that uses one and loves it - hey even the block in the hockey shoppe whispers to us that they are great and he has one - but would get sacked if the boss heard him say so.

So Ms16 arranges with them to try out one. And guess what - the one they put up is their best one, which is "ok". But worse! they take it away and are "gripping" properly for her - clearly they've discussed her preference.

At $349 there had better be wriggle room - after all this is a this year model and not an '11, and it will be nice to have something that players she knows, and international level, are advising her and telling her what's what. You never know they may suggest the cheaper one

- I'm not holding my breath.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sporting your life vicariously

As you may know I'm big on supporting my children in their endeavours, particularly sporting ones.

Ms16 plays a mean game of field hockey, and it's between seasons now so all she has on is an 8-a-side thing and a social league thing, so we're down to 3 visits a week to the turf (one of for a sporting academy thing).

Making sure that it's important to have the best (we can afford) equipment we notice that the hockey shoppe has a sale on, so a chance to buy a new stick at a reasonable price, even if it's exactly the same as the one you have now it's still a lot cheaper than a '11 model. Makes sense.

Having traipsed to the shoppe on a weekend to try out some new(old) sticks we get a shrug and an "I don't know". Something is afoot,

Seems that there is a new kid in town - www.toahockey.com - a couple of kiwi blokes who are trying to break into the market with a small range of sticks, and MS16 has a friend that uses one and loves it - hey even the block in the hockey shoppe whispers to us that they are great and he has one - but would get sacked if the boss heard him say so.

So Ms16 arranges with them to try out one. And guess what - the one they put up is their best one, which is "ok". But worse! they take it away and are "gripping" properly for her - clearly they've discussed her preference.

At $349 there had better be wriggle room - after all this is a this year model and not an '11, and it will be nice to have something that players she knows, and international level, are advising her and telling her what's what. You never know they may suggest the cheaper one

- I'm not holding my breath.

In the land of the lost

Long story long - Close friends of ours have a few domestic issues.
These mainly are the youngest daughter - 15 - not getting the direct attention she needs.

Lots of indirect attention - but sometime money can't fix it all.

In context of a kind the mother died a year or so ago, but at no point were the children much more than accessories.

The oldest daughter has been fobbed off by money as a substitute - she is more worldly than the youngest - who clearly felt the loss of a mother very keenly and with no real guidance has gone off the rails

In one of the money things the oldest was brought a newer car - replacing the other one that was brought for her. The idea being youngest could learn to drive and assert her independance. But it was never got around to, other things more important were always cropping up.

Daugther plays up somewhat including absenteeism from school, leading to a change of school after claims of bullying.

But this was never going to end well, and a second stint of running away from home (we'll gloss over the first time) and surprise she skulks around one day, gets into the house and makes off with "her" car.

The police do their thing and she's stopped, makes up some story to cover the event, and ends up in care, (lets gloss over that).

A lot of weeks past and I bring up the subject of the car - like "where is it". Well after a few more weeks I declare my interest in buying it for my own daughter (I have an outstanding bet I need to pay off).

I ring the police - who tell me to ring the towing company - who tell me they don't have it. The local council dont have it, it's not been towed for no warrant and no reggo. It's missing in action.

I call the social worker - google is great - and he can't tell me where it is - can't legally and he doesn't know - I'm sure he would have if he could. It's missing in action

So it's parked by the road somewhere or up a driveway and fat chance of ever getting it back unless by some miracle it's being driven or someone gets a warrant and rego you'd think.

And then I had occasion to drive by the local cop-shop - on the way to the new food place that I mention in another post. And I spied a car in the car park - on a whim I drove through the public car park at the front of the cop-shop - and lo! the car, parked in carpark 13. Has been for weeks and weeks.

No one thought to report it as being abandoned - it's hidden then in plain sight.

Getting it back however is going to be tricky - they have the key and the person responsible may be on holiday. Still at least we know where it is and that if we can get the key and get it home I can pay off my bet :-)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In the land of the lost

Long story long - Close friends of ours have a few domestic issues.
These mainly are the youngest daughter - 15 - not getting the direct attention she needs.

Lots of indirect attention - but sometime money can't fix it all.

In context of a kind the mother died a year or so ago, but at no point were the children much more than accessories.

The oldest daughter has been fobbed off by money as a substitute - she is more worldly than the youngest - who clearly felt the loss of a mother very keenly and with no real guidance has gone off the rails

In one of the money things the oldest was brought a newer car - replacing the other one that was brought for her. The idea being youngest could learn to drive and assert her independance. But it was never got around to, other things more important were always cropping up.

Daugther plays up somewhat including absenteeism from school, leading to a change of school after claims of bullying.

But this was never going to end well, and a second stint of running away from home (we'll gloss over the first time) and surprise she skulks around one day, gets into the house and makes off with "her" car.

The police do their thing and she's stopped, makes up some story to cover the event, and ends up in care, (lets gloss over that).

A lot of weeks past and I bring up the subject of the car - like "where is it". Well after a few more weeks I declare my interest in buying it for my own daughter (I have an outstanding bet I need to pay off).

I ring the police - who tell me to ring the towing company - who tell me they don't have it. The local council dont have it, it's not been towed for no warrant and no reggo. It's missing in action.

I call the social worker - google is great - and he can't tell me where it is - can't legally and he doesn't know - I'm sure he would have if he could. It's missing in action

So it's parked by the road somewhere or up a driveway and fat chance of ever getting it back unless by some miracle it's being driven or someone gets a warrant and rego you'd think.

And then I had occasion to drive by the local cop-shop - on the way to the new food place that I mention in another post. And I spied a car in the car park - on a whim I drove through the public car park at the front of the cop-shop - and lo! the car, parked in carpark 13. Has been for weeks and weeks.

No one thought to report it as being abandoned - it's hidden then in plain sight.

Getting it back however is going to be tricky - they have the key and the person responsible may be on holiday. Still at least we know where it is and that if we can get the key and get it home I can pay off my bet :-)

Food pretention

There is a new FARO store near me, it's an up-market deli place, lots of imported stuff - not the usual imported stuff this is from exotic places and all packaged nicely.

It's ideal if you want something specific for a meal, or something that you'd not see in your local super-market - which lets face it can offer some spectacularly good things. My local Foottown for instance has things like Ostrich and Crokogator steaks. So for some spices and herbs, particular oils and essential ingredients this is a good bet.

However - the parking on the weekend is non-existent - use the park and ride next door and gasp walk.

And inside is full of food twats. "Daaaarling look!!! Pomegranets" , and to the girl at the cheese-counter "is that from southern france" and "Daaaaarling gluten free wraps!!", and "Daaaaarling 'authentic' bread'

I did notice however that they had a range of flavoured ciders like honey and ginger - who knows what kind of party that would be useful at.

I think I'll go in on a weekday next time and then I can be center of attention not Claude and Sharonda from Carribean Drive.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Weighing it up or the 30 days of less of me

Weight creeps up on you. Well it crept up on me that's for sure.

I think I know why though, It's the weekend. It's the drinking and snacking. It's the chocolate treat. It's the Ice-cream with the strawberries. It's the bag of chips that you had to have - the ones with the exotic flavour - or perhaps just the cheese and onion ones.

Mostly it's the late night eating - and then to bed. And then the slow day the next day.

It's a lack of will power and immediacy.

So I'm going to give body for November a crack - this is like body for Tuesday but for the month. And you never know I might like it.

I'm embarrassed by my rotundness and am only prepared to admit to loss of weight, not the start weight. But lets say it "only" crept upto 3 digits and scares me, I'm more a double-digit kind of guy.

Updates infrequently. - hey this could be like the 30 days of me thing-

Food pretention

There is a new FARO store near me, it's an up-market deli place, lots of imported stuff - not the usual imported stuff this is from exotic places and all packaged nicely.

It's ideal if you want something specific for a meal, or something that you'd not see in your local super-market - which lets face it can offer some spectacularly good things. My local Foottown for instance has things like Ostrich and Crokogator steaks. So for some spices and herbs, particular oils and essential ingredients this is a good bet.

However - the parking on the weekend is non-existant - use the park and ride next door and *gasp* walk.

And inside is full of food twats. "Daaaarling look!!! Pomegranets" , and to the girl at the cheese-counter "is that from southern france" and "Daaaaarling gluten free wraps!!", and "Daaaaarling 'authentic' bread'

I did notice however that they had a range of flavoured ciders like honey and ginger - who knows what kind of party that would be useful at.

I think I'll go in on a weekday next time and then I can be center of attention not Claude and Sharonda from Carribean Drive.

Weighing it up or the 30 days of less of me

Weight creeps up on you. Well it crept up on me thats for sure.

I think I know why though, Its the weekend. It's the drinking and snacking. It's the chocolate treat. Its the Ice-cream with the strawberries. It's the bag of chips that you had to have - the ones with the exotic flavour - or perhaps just the cheese and onion ones.

Mostly it's the late night eating - and then to bed. And then the slow day the next day.

It's a lack of will power and immediacy.

So I'm going to give body for November a crack - this is like body for Tuesday but for the month. And you never know I might like it.

I'm embarrassed by my rotundness and am only prepared to admit to loss of weight, not the start weight. But lets say it "only" crept upto 3 digits and scares me, I'm more a double-digit kind of guy.

Updates infrequently. - hey this could be like the 30 days of me thing-

Catching up

There is a gap then between that one and this one (posts that is) for no reason other than I haven't.

Since then - 22nd September - and now seems like a life time.

I've been to Eden Park for the League tests. Apart from a weird decision to close the over bridge at Kingsland which prevented me going to the pub pre-game it worked out well.

The bus from Albany to the Stadium was awesome - and free- the longest part of the journey along the torturous road past St.Lukes. I'm sure they'll not fix that before the RWC arrives - I'm not holding my breath.

At the stadium however they need to figure out the method of getting in at which gate, and where and why some of the concession places are there. Clearly for an event of 4 hours there was a need for refreshment, but there are ways to try and minimise over consumption.

For a single event though why sell beer? Who can't go 90 minutes without a beer, or wine? The same people who need blaring music every time the game stops for any reason, just in case we get bored?

And when "we" the crowd get bored what happens - "we" entertain ourselves - with the mexican wave. The throwing things in the air bit is a mystery - but hey they sell beer in plastic bottles that gather around your feet - what else to do with them?

And if beer is such an issue I'd suggest that having staff wandering around selling directly to the crowd from shoulder bags may not be a good idea - host responsibility and all that.

The stadium does look half finished though, 4 stands - all different - I'm sure some of the seats are better than others - but lets put on record that I wouldn't particularly pay hundreds of dollars for one for any event.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Catching up

There is a gap then between that one and this one (posts thats is) for no reason other than I havn't.

Since then - 22nd September - and now seems like a life time.

I've been to Eden Park for the League tests. Apart from a weird decision to close the overbridge at Kingsland which prevented me going to the pub pre-game it worked out well.

The bus from Albany to the Stadium was awesome - and free- the longest part of the journey along the tourturous road past St.Lukes. I'm sure they'll not fix that before the RWC arrives - I'm not holding my breath.

At the stadium however they need to figure out the method of getting in at which gate, and where and why some of the concession places are there. Clearly for an event of 4 hours there was a need for refreshment, but there are ways to try and minimise over consumption.

For a single event though why sell beer? Who can't go 90 minutes without a beer, or wine? The same people who need blaring music everytime the game stops for any reason, just in case we get bored?

And when "we" the crowd get bored what happens - "we" entertain ourselves - with the mexican wave. The throwing things in the air bit is a mystery - but hey they sell beer in plastic bottles that gather around your feet - what else to do with them?

And if beer is such an issue I'd suggest that having staff wandering around selling directly to the crowd from shoulder bags may not be a good idea - host responsibility and all that.

The stadium does look half finished though, 4 stands - all different - I'm sure some of the seats are better than others - but lets put on record that I wouldn't particulaly pay hunreds of dollars for one for any event.