Long story long - Close friends of ours have a few domestic issues.
These mainly are the youngest daughter - 15 - not getting the direct attention she needs.
Lots of indirect attention - but sometime money can't fix it all.
In context of a kind the mother died a year or so ago, but at no point were the children much more than accessories.
The oldest daughter has been fobbed off by money as a substitute - she is more worldly than the youngest - who clearly felt the loss of a mother very keenly and with no real guidance has gone off the rails
In one of the money things the oldest was brought a newer car - replacing the other one that was brought for her. The idea being youngest could learn to drive and assert her independance. But it was never got around to, other things more important were always cropping up.
Daugther plays up somewhat including absenteeism from school, leading to a change of school after claims of bullying.
But this was never going to end well, and a second stint of running away from home (we'll gloss over the first time) and surprise she skulks around one day, gets into the house and makes off with "her" car.
The police do their thing and she's stopped, makes up some story to cover the event, and ends up in care, (lets gloss over that).
A lot of weeks past and I bring up the subject of the car - like "where is it". Well after a few more weeks I declare my interest in buying it for my own daughter (I have an outstanding bet I need to pay off).
I ring the police - who tell me to ring the towing company - who tell me they don't have it. The local council dont have it, it's not been towed for no warrant and no reggo. It's missing in action.
I call the social worker - google is great - and he can't tell me where it is - can't legally and he doesn't know - I'm sure he would have if he could. It's missing in action
So it's parked by the road somewhere or up a driveway and fat chance of ever getting it back unless by some miracle it's being driven or someone gets a warrant and rego you'd think.
And then I had occasion to drive by the local cop-shop - on the way to the new food place that I mention in another post. And I spied a car in the car park - on a whim I drove through the public car park at the front of the cop-shop - and lo! the car, parked in carpark 13. Has been for weeks and weeks.
No one thought to report it as being abandoned - it's hidden then in plain sight.
Getting it back however is going to be tricky - they have the key and the person responsible may be on holiday. Still at least we know where it is and that if we can get the key and get it home I can pay off my bet :-)
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