Friday, November 12, 2010

Sporting your life vicariously


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by Luther College Photos via Flickr"]Field Hockey 1977[/caption]

As you may know I'm big on supporting my children in their endeavours, particularly sporting ones.

Ms16 plays a mean game of field hockey, and it's between seasons now so all she has on is an 8-a-side thing and a social league thing, so we're down to 3 visits a week to the turf (one of for a sporting academy thing).

Making sure that it's important to have the best (we can afford) equipment we notice that the hockey shoppe has a sale on, so a chance to buy a new stick at a reasonable price, even if it's exactly the same as the one you have now it's still a lot cheaper than a '11 model. Makes sense.

Having traipsed to the shoppe on a weekend to try out some new(old) sticks we get a shrug and an "I don't know". Something is afoot,

Seems that there is a new kid in town - - a couple of kiwi blokes who are trying to break into the market with a small range of sticks, and MS16 has a friend that uses one and loves it - hey even the block in the hockey shoppe whispers to us that they are great and he has one - but would get sacked if the boss heard him say so.

So Ms16 arranges with them to try out one. And guess what - the one they put up is their best one, which is "ok". But worse! they take it away and are "gripping" properly for her - clearly they've discussed her preference.

At $349 there had better be wriggle room - after all this is a this year model and not an '11, and it will be nice to have something that players she knows, and international level, are advising her and telling her what's what. You never know they may suggest the cheaper one

- I'm not holding my breath.

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