Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Twitter in the workplace Pt2

Theone with a stream and tweeting

Armed with a brief to incorporate “Social Networking” into the workplace I’de discovered the addiction of Twitter, Tweetdeck and of following, un-following and immediacy of the world. Michael Jackson had died- and I think it was the law for everyone to twitter once about it. No kidding. Even if some of the stuff was not complementary

But to strategy. The accepted wisdom is to follow the leaders. So I started just by watching from this account and gathering a list of people to follow. Starting with our Head Office company, the local press people, and publications that tweet, adding some vendors as they became apparent from articles and twitterings. A Range then of individual and corporate types that were contributing to the twitter stream. Watch for a while. It’s interesting what you pick up just by watching and honestly I gathered a couple, not a lot, of great leads and people to follow by observation.

What to tweet? As a Distributor company we have a fair amount of 1st hand information that we share with our partners so what better place to start than tweeting our regular weekly newsletter to the twitterverse? With TweetDeck it’s easy to shorten landing page URLS

So away we go with that, 10-15 regular tweetings that make up our regular NZ newsletter, 5-10 from our parent company newsletter which is similar but different, and the odd information piece as requested by the project sponsor.
We picked up some followers on the way, and discovered a few to follow, but we have some ways to go.

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