Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Roman Polanski arrested over underage sex

Swiss authorities have arrested film director Roman Polanski for having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl.

yeah and?

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Roman Polanski in Paris at the lunch of the César awards nominees Français : Roman Polanski au déjeuner des nommés des César du cinéma (Photo credit: Wikipedia)"]Roman Polanski in Paris at the lunch of the Cé...[/caption]

He's been on the run since in France, scared to go back to the USA in case they arrested him, and he was in Switzerland for a film festival.

It remained unclear last night, why this visit had triggered the interest of the Swiss authorities according to the press I read. Well let me clear it up a bit.

He's a Pedophile

Claiming innocence and justification of his pedophilia ways he said  plying her with drugs and champagne and having unlawful sex with her at Jack Nicholson's Hollywood home was OK since the teen was sexually experienced and had consented.

Still a Pedophile.

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