Saturday, May 9, 2015

Beer - #599 - Tuatara - Conehead Air Hopped IPA (2015) (Keg version)

The Tuatara Conehead Air Hopped IPA (2015) from the keg . I know there is a keg version, stand by.  Older new beer, old new music, old number math and oldies only parties.

Enjoy vibrant notes of passionfruit, gooseberry and grapefruit that only the freshest Sauvin hops can provide

A Bottle that is 1000ml, with a 6% ABV beer, about 4.74 standard drinks in NZ, and @ 45IBU things, with 180 ish calories a serving. I think that covers it.

Brewed by Tuatara Brewing Company in the well known style of an American Pale Ale and the are in Paraparaumu, New Zealand

The hops are always greener on the other side, in this case the other side of Cook Strait.

[caption id="attachment_11066" align="alignright" width="300"]Man with a frown who needs haircut waves a beer Man with a frown who needs haircut waves a beer[/caption]

There's only one way to get those cones to the North Island in prime condition and that's to scramble the jets.

OK, it's to scramble a single engine prop plane with the seats taken out, but be assured that the 800kg of green hops that went into Conehead 2015 were flown direct from Nelson to Paraparaumu in an actual plane, touching down right next door to the Tuatara Brewery.

One short hop for a brewer, one giant green-hopping for mankind.

I've had previous versions of this beer, that I wasn't a fan of, but hey, what could possibly go wrong?This is  the keg version at the FYO. 

"Air Hopped" of course reference to the tiny tiny aircraft they jammed all the hops into, as opposed to the more usual 'Dry hopped' There are pictures on twitter if you can find them.

As you can already see it's chestnut brown in the bottle, from where a burst of hop grassiness bursts on flipping the lid.

ConeheadPour is lovely with a nice little white fluffy head . The taste is quite big, a real burst of sticky resinous grassiness bitters with a lovely mouthfeel and still persistent with a grass bite at the back.

This drinks differently to the bottle version, in my opinion, which could be for any number of reasons. The taste not my opinions.

But this seem 'bigger' up front and less bitter in the middle than the bottle, to my recollection.

Lot bigger in the overall sticky resinous hoppiness overall, but less dryness in the finish, it's a funny thing. Now I know this is how it is because I was out in town the other night and had some in an actual pub, for real, it's not all sit at home Noddy-no-mates here I can tell you.

It is a big beer, and with this level of hops not a session beer, without food intervention, it's a really good beer to work towards or away from, lucky I'm at home and can have a couple. Even though this is moderate in the ABV level I don't know that I really could drink a lot of it in one go. be happy to give it a crack if anyone wants to give it a go with me, perhaps.

I really like this beer in the keg, and the glass, it starts all brash and shouty and then it calms down and just becomes a really interesting beer that takes time and patience to enjoy. It is a seasonal and I wait until next time to try again a new spin on an old favourite.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 9 a of its things from the thing.  As it warms it gets more rounded and less edgy and then more drinkable, despite what I said earlier at the right temperature then this is like nectar (although it still needs a food to keep your palate in check)

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? I really worked my way into this, it was great.

  2. Would I have another? Yes, please.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? I would so bring this to a congregation and I'd insist on the music which is quite the thing.  I'd have my groove on and be dancing, it'd be embarrassing. It's a thing, right?

Musication was from Milky Chance,  a German folk duo with reggae and electronic music influences made up of Clemens Rehbein (vocals and instrumentals) and Philipp Dausch, the album Sadnecessary, this is Stunner

One of the very few musics to make it to my iPhone as opposed the iPod.  Listen here on the Spotify and all the other places probably


American Pale Ales are light in color, ranging from golden to a light copper color. The style of this beer is defined by the American hops used. American hops typically have high bitterness and aroma.This is a perfect beer for big fare like grilled burgers or combination pizzas, as well as lighter fare like sushi and green salads.

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