Saturday, May 2, 2015

Beer - #597 - Baylands - Woodrows Veto IPA

Friday means it is time for  Baylands Brewery and their Woodrows Veto IPA, from the keg. I've had this previously from a can I thought it was a bit good then.

A big hoppy IPA packed with American hops as recognition of Wilson Woodrow's hard work

1000ml of a bottle of 7% ABV beer, which makes it 5.52 standard drink units,  and it comes in at around 210 calories a serve, plus  it's a handy 65IBU things as well.

Brewed by Baylands Brewery this on in the style that is  American Pale Ale or IPA as it says on the tin. They are in Wellington, New Zealand

[caption id="attachment_11045" align="alignleft" width="300"]The look of anticipation The look of anticipation[/caption]

A big fruity IPA that’s loaded with American hops. 

Named in honour of Woodrow Wilson who tried, unsuccessfully, to veto the Prohibition bill.

So what could go wrong?

Aroma on popping the swing top is more syrupy grass than anything.

Pour is lovely dark orange with a small yet persistent head, it's clearly the beer doing that not me.

In the glass it's only mildly citrus fruity, that persistent head, yeah, na. The aroma is sweet malt, I can't go past that.

The taste though. It is softly bitter with a tang of grapefruit. The grapefruit is consistent with the last time I drank it.  I don't get the high hop content that I did last time though. Funny how different days do different things.

Woodrow’s VetoSo, bitter, a bit drier on the palate and not so much the sweetness or the aroma.

I think that I'm beginning to overthink these things, my aim is to write what I think not second guess myself, focus!

Sadly though, tonight, at this time, I'm not really into this. I did have two really nice beers earlier in the pub, the Deep Creek Yin- a Sauvin based IPA and their Dominatrix a DIPA. But I've been busy with other things in the last 6 hours and I didn't think that it would have played a part? I'm not an expert.

For all that I've managed to drink a fair bit in no time at all.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 8 a of its things from the thing. Either I'm off or this is.  Off as in off form not funked or undrinkable off.  I think it's me. I may have had a few IPA beers recently and that might have given me the jaded outlook, I'm looking for the next big hit.

There was a bit of a feeding gap and I came back, it's warmed but hasn't really improved my mood, it's still lovely bitter, but it lacks the other things I remember and fondly recall.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? I am, but not like I want to be.

  2. Would I have another? I have another.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? I might though, this is a fairly decent beer with no edges for the unwary, bitter, dry, tangy, even if I didn't get the aroma burst, it's still good enough to show off, even if we don't end up talking about it.

Music continued with David Gray, who  is an English indie rock singer-songwriter, so a bit of a throwback day. This is a track Please forgive me that I think is lyrically a bit good. This was off a best of that you can listen to here on the Spotify


American Pale Ales are light in color, ranging from golden to a light copper color. The style of this beer is defined by the American hops used. American hops typically have high bitterness and aroma.This is a perfect beer for big fare like grilled burgers or combination pizzas, as well as lighter fare like sushi and green salads


India Pale Ale gets its name and unique style from British brewers who were making beer for export to India. This style has an intense hop flavor which was used to preserve the beer for the long voyage. India Pale Ale has a golden to copper color with a medium maltiness and body. The aroma is moderate to very strong. IPAs work especially well at cutting the heat of chili, vindaloo or Sichuan cuisine.

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