Friday, March 20, 2015

Beer - #564 - DB - Export Gold

DB Export Gold. Everyman beer. One of the very common and readily available domestic beers in NZ, cans, stubbies and quarts.

In 1960 Morton Coutts discovered the Holy Grail of beer, continuous fermentation. 

A process that unlike batch-brewing, meant once the brewing started the beer literally never stopped flowing. The process was adopted by the rest of the World

745ml bottle, a Quart, of beer that is 4% ABV, 120 calories a serve size, this bottle is 2.35 standard drink units. This beer is brewed so that 1 standard drink (330ml) = 1 standard drink units, in NZ. In the US this bottle would be 1.68 drink units. I work it out here.

Brewed by DB Breweries (Asia Pacific Breweries-Heineken) in the style that is a  Pale Lager and they do that in Auckland, New Zealand

[caption id="attachment_10675" align="alignright" width="300"]Everyman! Everyman![/caption]

A golden lager characterised by a pleasant, slightly fruity flavour with a clean, crisp finish.

Made using only the finest New Zealand hops, barley and pure spring water, it is perhaps New Zealand’s freshest and most refreshing beer. Export gold is best served ice cold to enhance its drinkability and refreshing flavours.

You know how this ends.

Despite this being domestic mass produced it isn't all bad. Sure it's one dimensional and doesn't offer up much by ay of interesting aroma, bite, finish or linger, it does offer up refreshing, crisp and quaffable. An everyman beer.

Pour is really pale yellow, and the head is white and present, it does at least look decent. It's taste is also pretty consistent, as you'd expect. There are of course the beer snobs who turn their nose that this, which is ok if they want to, but I've had 'craft' beer that makes this like nectar.

Export GoldMalt aroma dominates, to be honest, it's a beer aroma that is familiar the world over.

Bitterness level is quite high, but at that comfortable level, a drink that reminds you you are drinking 'not water'.

It's not a craft beer, it's not a batch beer, it's science and the industrial method of producing beer.

A product the have down pat. Again the 'craft beer'  tag is missing, by a country mile, but that's not really the point of this.

So why include it? Well it's a beer you can buy, or have a reasonable chance of buying is why it's included, not just for comedy content.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 5 a of its things from the thing. Despite talking it up it is at the end of the bottle a bit average and stop-gap. Quaffing flavoured water that keeps you occupied between goes at the Oche or Pool table.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? It's ok, it has its place

  2. Would I have another? I would at the right time.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? If we've been busy doing something, say digging a pool, or putting up a fence or some other labour then this wouldn't be the worst thing you could reach for. Would I bring it to a soiree, doubt it.

Music came on, I've been catching up with Breaking Bad, and so this.

Quartetto Cetra - Crapa Pelada (1945)


The colour of pale lager ranges from light bronze to nearly transparent and the alcohol anywhere from 4-6%. Adjunct usage may be quite high, though in some cases the beer is all-malt. Carbonation is typically forced, though not always. One thing that doesnt vary is that neither the malt nor the hops make much of an impression on the palate. These beers are brewed for minimum character, though faint traces of hop or malt may show through. More likely though is that adjuncts like corn will show through, or you’ll find notes of higher alcohols (fuel notes) due to the use of high-gravity brewing. The body will be thin and watery, and the finish is typically non-existent.

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