But have you ever thought what it might be light to be twice your size? Three times?
Three time might be about 5,5 meters or perhaps 17-18 feet tall. Heck twice might be 3.5 meters or nearly 12 feet. Even if you're smaller of stature that's not going to be so much different, couple feet here or there.

Putting aside the problems of mass (as always), and some other problems, like clothing, feeding, and shelter does being über tall have any benefits? or Opportunities?
I came to some conclusions.
Ideal for cleaning the gutters and general roof maintenance. Useless however at arial installation where there are small screws and fixtures required.
Possibly good at house washing, again houses have some fiddly bits about them.
Ideal for being an arborist, or tree maintenance. Not so much lawn mowing, too much crouching.
Seasonal work in pantomime as a 'giant'
- Might be handy at basketball, but unlikely to be able to get into any stadiums.
- Should be good at swimming, big flipper like feet, and the diving in should give you a handy advantage.
- Might be good at running, but might not be able to stay in lane and get disqualified a lot. Cross-country running might be more the go.
- Might be good at lifting weights overhead, but not convinced about this.

Getting around might be a problem, They don't make cars or trucks for the particularly tall, so you could walk or run, but there would be a fair amount of obstacles in the way, overhead wires, trees, etc. (Before you thing about Monster Trucks, for instance, they're big truck for 'normal' sized people).
Flying would be almost impossible, travelling overseas almost impossible
The only solution I had was to be chauffeured about on the back of a flat bed truck.
Not a lot of dignity in being tall. Not a lot of jobs, and I don't think there would be a log of glamour.
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