Sunday, February 22, 2015

Beer - #548 - Sparks - Prospector

Prospects, prospective musics, prospects and prospects

 "Golden sunshine in a glass with a lively effervescence that holds up a centimeter of foam before dropping back to a thin lace"

This is a 330ml bottle, with a 4.9% ABV beer, which makes it 1.2 standard drink units, this bottle would be about 150 calories.

This is breweed for Sparks Brewing and brewed at Sparks Brewing in the style: Saison and they do that in Auckland, New Zealand

A New Zealand style farmhouse ale. To build on the unique, fruity character of the Belgian yeast we've selected Canterbury malts for their honey like sweetness and Nelson hops for their tropical gusto.

[caption id="attachment_10450" align="alignleft" width="300"]Prospects high for enjoying this Prospects high for enjoying this[/caption]

The result is a super floral and slightly spicy ale with huge aromas of pineapple and lemon zest.

The hops give way to the yeast's rustic funk and a tart finish leaves the palate dry.

Golden sunshine in a glass with a lively effervescence that holds up a centimeter of foam before dropping back to a thin lace. Aroma - The yeasts involved kick off all sorts of fruity compounds, and mixed with New Zealand hops the senses are bombarded with tropical aromas of pineapple, lemon zest and peaches. There is no fruit in this beer, although you’d be forgiven for thinking that there was. Taste - A big tropical fruit bowl thanks to the Motueka and Kohatu hops. The yeast has a nice tartness that further evokes pineapple and citrus. The bitterness is low and the vienna and wheat malt soon shine through with a subtle rustic doughiness followed by a honey like sweetness from the pilsner malt. Mouthfeel - Lively carbonation. The beer still has a balance of sweetness, tartness and bitterness that cleans the palate nicely without being overly dry.

So what could go wrong ?

Aroma is of pineapple! and sweetness.

Pour is a lovely golden yellow, and it does indeed have an effervescent head that is reasonable and persistent.

ProspectorAroma in the glass is a fruit burst of things.

You notice a mustiness in the palate, which is to be expected, and I also get lemons now, and a soapyness in there too, which isn't expected.

Lovely level of bitterness and reasonable restraint on the favours in this. Nicely balanced I think is where I'm going with this.

Two thumbs up so far, and I notice that I've taken more than a couple of sips and have to control myself, this is nice drinking, and invites you to have more of it, sadly it's a finite amount of beer and I have to have some control.

Like that ever happened.

I'm actually a bit in love with this strange beer wherein I now get bananas.

A thing of beauty and to behold. I don't know how else to describe this.

[caption id="attachment_10452" align="alignright" width="150"]Photo on 14-02-15 at 6.02 pm #2 Dry hopped. Farmhouse Ale. Floral Tropical Aromas.[/caption]

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as  a well deserved 10  of its things from the thing. I know right, Such a small bottle such a big flavour, it's all in there, all playing nice and being behaved, it has aroma to die for, it has initial tastes that develop and unfold like a flower, it delivers all the things in a nice way and well ordered politeness, I would cuddle it if I could it is a thing of beauty and all that.

Get in! well if you are local that is, sadly I'm not sure this'll be available in other places, which is a shame as it really is that good that I'd be proud to be a Kiwi and carry this with me.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? This is Banging!

  2. Would I have another? I wold love to find this on tap, set up table and stay forever, or an afternoon. It really is a cracking beer.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Heck yes, this is brilliant! Let me waffle on for a while whilst you drink it.... oh wait.. you talk I'll drink...

For music I was taken by "Imagine Dragons" for no reason at all, and I'm still pondering.  So this is "Imagine Dragons" and a clip called "I Bet My Life"

Imagine Dragons is an American rock band from Las Vegas. They are a full participation band.


Fruity esters dominate the aroma. Clarity is good with a large foamy head on top. The addition of several spices and herbs create a complex fruity or citrusy flavor. Light to medium bodied with very high carbonation. Alcohol level is medium to high.


  1. You know Hopscotch have this on tap at the moment.

  2. I did see that, and if I was travelling the other side of the bridge I would get some. Having said that if it's still on Friday I might make a special effort
