the man says It’s hard to name a favourite among your children. But if I have to choose one it has to be Nelson Sauvignon. It’s a light Belgian ale brewed with brettanomyces and enzymes for the driest possible beer. We used Nelson Sauvin hops, which have grape characteristics and it is aged on white wine barrels. This is done to imitate Champagne – and I actually think we succeeded.
… But my favorites much depend on the mood. Maybe I prefer wine?
Champagne sized 750 ml bottle of beer, 9%ABV, so 270 calories a serve size, and this would be
Of course by Mikkeller this one brewed at De Proefbrouwerij in the style most likely to be Bière de Champagne / Bière Brut, or at a pinch Belgian Strong Ale and they're in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Nelson Sauvignon is a New Year beer it is fermented with ale yeast, brettanomyces and enzymes. Then it has been aged three months in Austrian white wine casks. Very dry, very vinous and very delicious.
Brygget af basismalt og under mæskníngen og gæringen tilsat enzymer for at opnå en så høj forgærbarhed som overhovedet muligt. Til både bitter-, smags- og aromahumle er brugt den New Zealandske humlesort ‘Nelson Sauvin’ som er opkaldt efter sine druekarakterer, der bringer minder til den New Zealandske hvidvinsdrue Sauvignon Blanc. Af gær er benyttet både champagnegær og brettanomyces og pga. enzymerne er øllen gæret meget langt ned og dermed er slutresultatet en meget tør øl. Efter endt gæring har øllen ligget 5 måneder på hvidvinsfade fra Østrigske Weingut Kollwentz og opnået yderligere karakter
Brewed of base malt and during mashing and fermentation enzymes added to achieve a high fermentability as possible. For both bitterness , flavor and aroma hops are used the New Zealand hop variety ' Nelson Sauvin ' named after its grape characters that recalls to the New Zealand white wine grape Sauvignon Blanc. By yeast is used both champagnegær and brettanomyces and due . Enzymes , the beer is fermented very far down and thus the end result is a very dry beer . After fermentation the beer has been five months in white wine casks from Austrian Weingut Kollwentz and achieved additional character.
Belgian Strong Ales can vary from pale to dark brown in color, darker ales may be colored with dark candy sugar. Hop flavor can range from low to high, while hop aroma is low. The beers are medium to full-bodied and have a high alcoholic character. Types of beers included here include tripels, dubbels and ultra-strong abbey ales.
Bière de Champagne / Bière Brut
Bière de Champagne (or Bière Brut) is a hybrid beer style, generally made in Belgium and France. The "brewing" process for this style can more resemble the process used in sparkling wine (AKA Champagne). In general, these beers are lighter in body, higher in alcohol and quite carbonated. Color can range from almost clear to medium/dark gold. ABV can range from 9% to 14% or more.
A rare specialty beer style with few examples available worldwide, Bière de Champagne embodies the fruity, estery, spicy phenolic character of many Belgian Ales, with the body and fine bubbly texture and mouth-feel of Champagnes and other sparkling wines. With the time and care involved in its production, it gives the term “specialty beer” new meaning. DEUS Brut des Flandres, for example, goes through a months-long process of three separate fermentations, including a bottle fermentation (bottle conditioning), after which the bottles travel from Belgium to France where they go through the remuage process (collecting the yeast in the bottle necks by inverting the bottles) and riddling them (slightly turning the bottles over a period of weeks). The yeast is then removed from the bottles by dégorgement, where the yeast is frozen in the bottle neck and the frozen bung of yeast is driven out by pressure. Refreshing, yet subtle and refined, these are ideal as an aperitif and for celebrations.
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