Saturday, September 27, 2014

Beer - #472- Yeastie Boys - Digital IPA

Wherein I ponder Digital beer, digital music from a symbol, how to do a half, and sharing.

I did some research about, unusual for me, and picked up a Yeastie Boys Digital IPA for my Friday.

Brewed initially for export to USA.  A lmited amount of kegs were released in NZ as Motueka Warrior. 

This ale is open source - you may not be able to download the beer itself but feel free to grab the recipe at

Yeastie Boys have this brewed at Invercargill Brewery  in the style that is  India Pale Ale (IPA), and YB are based in Wellington, New Zealand

An artful 330ml bottle that has beer of 7% ABV, and 210 calories a serve, This comes in at 77 IBU things, the whole is about 1.82 standard drink units.

[caption id="attachment_9599" align="alignright" width="300"].. as they say in IT .. 11011000100100111 .. as they say in IT .. 11011000100100111[/caption]

This limited-release India Pale Ale (IPA) is an aggressive wee beast that is dedicated to our friend Joseph Wood of Liberty Brewing and to all those hopheads who love drinking IPA day in, day out. 

Just as the term digital is all about zeroes and ones, the concept of IPA is all about malts and hops. Enjoy the rich golden malt backbone of Digital while you can... then feel it closing in as the fruity Motueka-grown hops dominate your palate and don’t ever fade away.  

IPA as it should be. 

Cracking aroma of hops on opening,  I could sit and sniff that for a while, but that would be odd, right?

Digital IPAPour looks pale and it doesn't sit in the glass as dark as it could have been, the head, as it was fades and sits as film.  It look well carbonated though.

Carries that lovely hop aroma to the glass.

That's surprisingly hoppy bitter and pretty tasty. I smiled when I drank that, which made it awkward in keeping the beer in, but I managed.

So hoppy up front, and carries a middle but fades to a short almost no finish, and there tries to be a dryness.

They give up this recipe to make at home, that's amazing and I'd love someone to give that a crack and let me have some, perhaps I could contract brew me a couple of litres ?

You could happy to site on this for a few hours and a few bottles as it's easy drinking and there isn't anything going on that deadens or dulls the palate to make enjoying something else, or food, difficult, it's just a quaffingly nice beer that deserves the kudos it gets and has gotten.

I think I avoided it as it didn't appear to my sense of I.T. and in some was I was offended, I was a fool.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 8.5 a of its non digital, non-binary scare. For the IT literate that would be 0b1000 or 1000 because they don't do a .5 because Mind-Blown and this isn't a 9. Call me harsh.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? Yes, what a beer

  2. Would I have another? Wish I had another this is nice drinking and I'm about to cook BBQ

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Yes, gather around kids I have a story .....

Go on, I was listening to Prince, the one who used to a symbol, and his new Album of musics called Art Offiicial Age, this track "FunkRoll"

It's like an idea explosion without thought.  But it is thought out and not too difficult or at one end or the other,  not vintage or classic but it has it's moments, apart from that stupid track about uploads and downloads and hard drives.


India Pale Ale gets its name and unique style from British brewers who were making beer for export to India. This style has an intense hop flavor which was used to preserve the beer for the long voyage. India Pale Ale has a golden to copper color with a medium maltiness and body. The aroma is moderate to very strong. IPAs work especially well at cutting the heat of chili, vindaloo or Sichuan cuisine.


  1. As a reflection on how us, the "craft beer aficionado", can sometimes be distanced from what the average punter might think... I've been in the process of "educating" my workmates into good beer, since I joined them 15 months ago. Been a fun, interesting exercise.

    One came up to me this last Monday, excited about the new and interesting beers they'd seen at their local Liqourland, and about their experiences of them. Good, enjoyable experiences were reported, until...

    "...and then I got this Yeastie Boys one, their IPA - Digital? 7% All I could taste was booze. Wooo-eeehh, too much for me!"

  2. They come up and ask you what a good beer, sometimes it's for someone else. It's very confusing and quite subjective, so you start... What type of beer do you like ? and they go ... Steinlager...., and then you go what does your friend like, and they go "I don't know", so you begin with well IPA can be bitter and there are lots of good ones, Pilsners.... and they stop you... "no... I like Lagers"...

    Have you thought about "Kolsch" you say tormenting them....

    Belgium beer is always an interesting conversations and I've had a couple of people say they've been 'researching beer' and have seen my face, no idea if they read anything mind.

    When you talk about beer like some people talk about wine they begin to get it, sometimes, as they lean over the bar and order a Speights.....
