Friday, September 26, 2014

Beer - #471 - Emerson’s - JP (2013 - Belgian Stout)

The one where I'm late to a beer, contemplate an old fashioned working week, fluff the maths and ponder sharing.

I looked this one up especially - Emerson’s JP (2013 - Belgian Stout). I'm getting more picky, this week at least.

A big roasty stout fermented with three Belgian yeasts. Luscious and complex with a satin smooth finish.

Brewed by Emerson’s Brewing Company (Lion Breweries - NZ (Lion Nathan Co.) in the style that is best described as: Foreign Stout and they are in Dunedin, New Zealand.

As a 500ml bottle, 8% ABV, making it 3.15 standard drinks, so about 240 calories a serving size or 320 isn in the bottle.

Belgian Stout. A big roasty stout fermented with three Belgian yeasts. Luscious and

[caption id="attachment_9575" align="alignright" width="300"]It was the last one in the shop It was the last one in the shop[/caption]

complex with a satin smooth finish.

The annual JP release is in honour of the late Professor Jean-Pierre Dufour, formerly Dean of Food Sciences at the University of Otago. Belgium born JP, as he was affectionately known, was an icon in the international brewing industry and a valued friend of The Emerson Brewing Company.

Each vintage varies in beer style, flavour and aroma – each brew reflecting one of the many beer styles for which Belgium is renowned.

This is no longer produced by the brewery and I got the last one off a shelf. This may not eld well. This may end fantastically.

The brewer recommends that this is "serve un-chilled", which is no use since it's been in the fridge for a few hours. I'll do this in two pours perhaps. It hasn't therefore started well.

The coldness may have kept the aroma quiet as there isn't a lot op opening, sugary floral perhaps, but very light.

Emerson’s - JP (2013 - Belgian Stout)Pour is really dark, for a moment I expected it to be light colour, because I'm not that attentive? or anticipation.

Head, as you can see it somewhat extravagant in the glass. I deliberately left a pour to see if it changes later with warming. It's not a science experiment though, I don't have high hopes.

That head is really really thick and persistent.

Familiar Belgium esters, and this really does finish dry, with the edges of the tongue taking the brunt of that. Lovely malty caramel note at the front too, this is a well conceived and structured drink of some class I think. Or I'm being lyrical about things since it's not in brew, last one etc.

Picking a note of orange? Lovely sweetness. This really does have the complex and familiar notes and tastes of a Belgium ale, and then it also has dark roasted chocolates too, intriguing beer.

That head is really persistent.  As it warms you begin to get a sense of the alcohol astringent in this, which is a surprise and also not so.

This really becomes a better beer as it warms, and I've been taking my time, as you can see from the wordage. It gets fuller, the bitterness fades, the head persists!, the dry finish doesn't it all becomes a bit marvellous.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 9 a of its things from the thing, wherein I get all morose and contemplative about it deserving a 10. I think that I'm enraptured of its rarity, at least now, I love the way it changed from bitter and noisy to full, fruity and layered. I don't want to set a bar too high, or talk myself into something that handicaps me. What I am going to do is regret not finding this earlier and being able to follow up with redux review. For now though I'm happy that this was so close to joining the 10-club

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? This is a remarkable beer that starts well and strides away to greatness

  2. Would I have another? Would that I could, if I see one I'm bagging it.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Yes because it would show you what a true friend I am.

More old things then with the music, this is a band called Working Week who were at their peak in 1985, this is a track "Inner City Blues" from the Album "Working Nights"

I've listened to worse, and I'm note that this'll be making a regular appearance on the music machine. Didn't age well.


Foreign Stout began with the beer that would become Guinness Foreign Extra Stout. This was a stronger, extra-hopped version of the basic Guinness Extra Stout, brewed to survive long journeys overseas. The classic FES still exists in a few different forms, but many of the original destination countries (Jamaica, Sri Lanka, etc.) now have their own, locally-produced versions. Foreign stout occupies a position between basic stout and imperial stout. It is sweeter than a basic stout, but not as robust as an imperial. It is less fruity and less hoppy as well. Foreign stouts are sometimes made with local grains and adjuncts sugar is not uncommon. Alcohol ranges from 6-8%

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