Sunday, August 31, 2014

Beer - #452 - Gigantic - Volta

Beer from Portland - Gigantic Volta - Brewed by Gigantic Brewing Co. and it's in the style that is a  Saison and I gave the game away before but they're in PortlandOregon USA 'Murica

This was on tap so I have a 1 litre bottle (34 fl oz), and at 8.4% ABV this makes it a total of 6.63 standard drinks in NZ. The bottle would be around 680-700 calories.

[caption id="attachment_9381" align="alignleft" width="300"]It looks Gigantic! It looks Gigantic![/caption]

A word sonnet: Volta is a delightfully spicy, fruity summer saison, yet a beer for any season.

Weirdly we're having a late dash of winter blues, it's cold, wet and windy outside and so a summery beer seems a bit at odds.

Her's the label art,  just in case, for no reason, and because this was on tap and not in glass.

Well not in a packaged glass,  if pedantic is called for.

[caption id="attachment_9372" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Gigantic Artwork Gigantic Artwork[/caption]


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Beer - #451 - Townshend - No. 9

Townshend, a brewery I've overlooked somewhat or ignored, either/either - but tonight I have Townshend No. 9 for my edification.

Brewed by Townshend Brewery in the style that is  Dry Stout and they are in Upper Moutere, New Zealand

This is a 500ml bottle of a 4% ABV beer, making it only 120 calories a serve, and  a total of only 1.6 standard drink units in NZ.

 Townshend - No. 9A sweet stout. This well balanced dark ale has plenty body and length.

I've always enjoyed the likes of Guinness and Murphys stout and have heard that they are both better if imbibed at their point of origin, Ireland.

The same goes for this beer: drink it in the Moutere where it belongs.

I see.....

Beer - #450 - Garage Project - Venusian Pale Ale

I like the play on words and amuse value that some brewers put into their products. Garage Project Venusian Pale Ale fits that. After a slight dip into the more mainstream commercial beers hopefully this is a bounce back.

Garage Project Venusian Pale AleThis is brewed by the prolific Wellington (NZ) based  Garage Project, in the style that comes under the label of Spice/Herb/Vegetable or might be as an outsider  Imperial/Double IPA.

HAs brilliant art work on the label that my poor attempt at pictures for not do justice, well they might if I got a proper camera out- anyhow check out this link  Dr.Grordbort - it's on the label art....

I have then to entertain me, besides the label, a 650 ml bottle of beer that is 7.3% ABV, so 219 calories a serve, and 3.74 standard drinks in NZ,

Garage Project - Venusian Pale AleVenusian Pale Ale, a precocious little number using some of the more unusual local flora and fauna you find hanging around here in the less civilized parts of the solar system.

Lemon grass, kaffir lime leaf and grapefruit peel that we pinched from rations, meld seamlessly with Venusian Spear Fungus and that funny green stuff the local chappies seem to like licking off the rocks.

Zesty is the word that springs to mind and at 7.5% abv it’s bloody good for morale. Incidentally, it works just like napalm on the natives, which is handy.

Entertaining start to an evening.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

4:06 am and the clock goes tick-tick-tick Musings

Meditation on sleeping.

Two things.  Being small which I'll get to another day

the second though a dream snippet, which is what I want to write down.

.. The laughing man declares that he's figured it out, and he can do it. There is no indication that the laughing man in under duress or particular strain.  There appears to be some kind of family tree on a large monitor, some of the dots on the tree wink out and fade, the tree withers and re-arranges.

The man looks at the big screen again.  Laughs. 

He's erased someone from history, from ever being, and that has changed his circumstance.

It's not clear if he's happy or not.  

It might be later, it might not be the same man, zoom out the monitor, more dots wink out and fade, swathes of them, a voice says we learnt to go further back in time than just the living.

There are a few hundred people left huddled in a large room, poorly dressed, looking at a large monitor, wondering, waiting. ...

Monday, August 25, 2014

Beer - #449 - Blue Moon - Belgian White Ale

This most certainly isn't craft beer is it. Blue Moon Belgian White Ale.

"Brewed with oats for creaminess and spiced with the perfect combination of orange peel and coriander. An unfiltered wheat ale spiced in the Belgian tradition for an uncommonly smooth taste."

Brewed by Coors Brewing Company (MillerCoors) in the style they think is  Belgian White (Witbier) and they are in GoldenColorado USA

Bottle is 5.4% ABV and 355Ml so that should be about 192 calories a serve, and makes this bottle 1.51 standard drink units in NZ. This might register at 9 IBU's too.

Blue Moon - Belgian White AleBlue Moon Belgian White, Belgian-style wheat ale, is a refreshing, medium-bodied, unfiltered Belgian-style wheat ale spiced with fresh coriander and orange peel for a uniquely complex taste and an uncommonly smooth finish.

Much of this beer’s production now comes from the Molson brewery in Toronto. A small portion of Denver draught production comes from the SandLot brewery. Still other product may continue to hail from Golden.  Which is where my bottle is from, and it's made specifically for NZ with country specific label and everything.

I first had this in Australia, and it had fruit in the glass, I think an orange slice, but that was then....

So no orange slice, umbrella or plastic tiki. just the beer, just a glass.

Beer - #448 - Lucky Beer - Lucky Buddha

I kid you not this is  called Lucky Beer- Lucky Buddha. It even has a unique and amusing bottle, in the shape of a Buddha. Because China! Because Beer! Because cheap :-)

[caption id="attachment_9322" align="alignleft" width="300"]I win the beer in a comedy bottle comp I win the beer in a comedy bottle comp[/caption]

For the Lucky Drink Company this is brewed at Cheerday Hangzhou Qiandaohu Beer Co. and they give it a crack in the Style that is  Pale Lager Used to be brewed in Australia now it's in China.

4.8% ABV beer that is 144 calories a serve, and the bottle is 330 ml, so about 1.2 standard drink units in NZ.

Light aromas of hops with nuances of honey & malt, which pre-announces the transcending flavours across your palate with a silky easy finish.

What could possibly go wrong.....

Beer - #447 - Green Man - Czech Pilsner

The second of the two beers from this brewery that I found locally, this one Green Man Czech Pilsner.

Brewed by Green Man Brewery (NZ) in of course the style that is of Pilsener and they are Dunedin, New Zealand.

500ml bottle that contains 135 calories a serves of a 4.5% ABV beer,  and that makes it 1.78 standard drink units in NZ.

Green Man - Czech PilsnerThis European-style Pilsner is crafted by our German Brewmaster according to the German Purity Law of 1516, using only the finest quality ingredients. Crisp and refreshing, it has citrus and floral flavours from the Hallertau hop, which is very well balanced with the malt. 

I've been on an adventure tiki tour with MrsPdubyah and s I'm going to wind down with this, and prepare for the watching of the sportsball,

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Beer - #446 - Pelican - Tsunami Stout

A beer that I am genuinely looking forward to drinking.

Brewed by Pelican Pub & Brewery this is their take on the style that is  Foreign Stout and they are in Pacific CityOregon USA

I have a 1 Pint, 6 Fl OZ bottle (22 fl oz) , or about 650ml, of beer that is 7.5% ABV, 45 IBU things, so 3.85 standard drink units , and 225 a serve of 412 for the bottles if you are counting calories.

[caption id="attachment_9310" align="alignleft" width="300"]Pelican - Tsunami Stout This is the look of a man with expectations[/caption]

Midnight black color and rich dark-roasted aroma. Specially blended hops combine with flaked unmalted barley to give this brew a full body and a dense creamy head. All elements combine in a solid, lingering finish.

It'll bowl you over with its midnight black color and rich dark-roasted aroma. Magnum and Willamette hops combine with unmalted barley and roasted malts to give this brew a full body and a dense creamy head. All elements combine in a rich espresso-like finish.

Mouth watering in anticipation, I hope it's not disappointing. 

Beer - #445 - Boundary Road - Arabica Dabra Coffee Oatmeal Stout

Beer with long comedy name time - Boundary Road Arabica Dabra Coffee Oatmeal Stout. A gift from my wife for something or other.  She's frugal so this wouldn't have been expensive. Bless.

"Coffee Oatmeal Stout - Rich oatmeal stout with Arabica coffee"

Not, in my opinion, strictly a 'craft' beer but that's a whole different debate This is brewed by Independent Breweries NZ (Boundary Road) this on in the style of a  Stout and they are based in Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand.

This bottle contains beer that is 6.5% ABV, 500ml, 195 calories, and 2.3 standard drink units in NZ

Boundary Road Arabica Dabra Coffee Oatmeal StoutArabica is one of the most popular types of coffee. Not only does it have a delicious, invigorating taste, but it also helps you avoid boring things, like sleeping. We like it so much we’ve added it as an ingredient to make a dark, rich coffee oatmeal stout that’s perfect for your next beer break. We’ve called it Arabica Dabra. Sadly, rubbing it won’t result in a genie, but you will get a slightly shinier bottle.

What could go wrong?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Beer - #444 - Bach Brewing - Duskrider

Numerical OCD me says pick a beer that might make you grin a bit - so I went with Bach Brewing and the Duskrider - a Red IPA

So this one is brewed for Bach Brewing Ltd and it's brewed for them at Brew Fountain (Hallertau/Liberty brewery) in the style that is of India Pale Ale (IPA) and they are Auckland

[caption id="attachment_9294" align="alignright" width="300"]Unshaved man waves a beer ! Unshaved man waves a beer ![/caption]

500ml bottle 6%ABV, 2.4 standard drink units in NZ, and this 180 calories a serve, 220ish the bottle

DuskRider is brewed with specialty malts for a ruby-red hue, and a hop forward fix of tropical fruits and citrus from US Cascade, Amarillo, Citra and Nelson Sauvin.

I'm told this is worth drinking.

Beer - #443 - Green Man - IPA

Green Man are a brewery that I've not seen represented in my locale. So I snapped up a couple of bottles, the first this, the Green Man IPA.

"Our latest seasonal release is so hoppy it will pop your taste buds with flavour! This artfully crafted pale golden coloured ale is delightfully different. Like the IPA’s the British soldiers of the 19th century had brewed for them in India. No added sugar."

Brewed by Green Man Brewery (NZ) to the style that is India Pale Ale (IPA) and they are in Dunedin, New Zealand

This is a 500ml bottle (17fl oz), of beer that is 63 IBU things, 5% ABV making it 165 calories a serve and  200 for the bottle and 2  standard drinks units in NZ.

I've noticed various ABV measures for this beer too, I'd suggest that might be the batch brewing process variation but am open to correction.


[caption id="attachment_9288" align="alignright" width="300"]Man needing shave shares beer picture Man needing shave shares beer picture[/caption]

Green Man India Pale Ale is delectably hoppy with a properly balanced body. Generous hop additions give it a wonderful bitterness and pleasant floral nose, while our combination of traditional British malts creates a rich, satisfying flavor and alluring copper color. This authentic English-style IPA is our flagship ale.

Green Man IPA 5.4% ABV is so tasty it will pop your taste buds with flavour! This artfully crafted ale is delightfully different. An IPA which is full of Hops, but balanced with delicious malt and is oh so Drinkable.

I'm always keen to try new things, so I have a smile already.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Beer - #442 - Liberty - Yakima Monster

On a theme of big beers, or at the very least the APA style,  the Liberty Yakima Monster. A beer I've been acused of avoiding. Which isn't true of course, but only because I thought I'd drunk it. We all know what thought did?

Brewed by Liberty Brewing Co in the style of the American Pale Ale and they are in Auckland, New Zealand

Served as a 500ml bottle that is 6% ABV, either 45 or 50 IBU things  (Iike an IPA) and 180 calories a serve of 355 ml so this would be 220 ish for the bottle. 2.3 standard drink units too.

Get those images of Godzilla and Mothra out of your head! I know you were thing it, but this beer has nothing to do with Japan whatsoever. Liberty Yakima MonsterYakima is actually a region in the state of Washington USA where some of Joseph Wood’s favorite hops are grown. This monster of a Pale Ale showcases several of those hops.

"It’s a easy drinking beer, flavorsome enough for your father ’n law to exclaim "wow - that’s fruity!" yet complex enough for any green blooded hop-head to appreciate." - Joseph Wood, Liberty Brewer. Gold medal 2012 Brew NZ Awards

Like I said I've been avoiding this for a while, but let's go...

But before that, the artwork reminded me of "Tales from the Crypt" cover artwork, or any other of those 70's  mags, which used to feature various monsters, ghouls and such like and so forth.

Beer - #441 - Tuatara - NUI (Mighty Big Hop APA)

Big brother of the fantastic ITI, I'm now going to enjoy the NUI. I hope anyway to enjoy it. It's a big act to follow.

Brewed by Tuatara Brewing Company and that's in the style that is American Pale Ale and they're in Paraparaumu, New Zealand

For this then the familiar all bumpy and lumpy bottle that is 500ml (17fl oz) with a beer that is 7% ABV and 2.76 standard drink units, 210 calories and 8o IBU's round out that set. 80IBU is about  high IPA - low end DIPA - so therefore a bit bitter.

Tuatara NUINUI (te reo Maori for “big”) takes Tuatara’s beloved American Pale Ale and reshapes it into a more assertive beast. We’ve spiced things up with some serious New World hop porn in the form of Citra, Simcoe and Amarillo, delivering 80 IBU of palate-stripping bitterness. And to showcase the aromatic action, Nui swaggers about on a beefed-up malt base that lifts the alcohol to 7.0%. Frailer souls will blanch at the thought of having their taste buds assaulted in this manner, but the rest of us will love Nui big time

I wonder if the big brother is as good as the little brother?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Beer - #440 - Tuatara - ITI (Little Big Hop APA)

Another beer from the nice people at Tuatara, this one their ITI,  this is the companion to a beer I don't have, the NUI (Mighty Big Hop APA), which I will get to as soon as I can. I hope.

Brewed by Tuatara Brewing Company in that style you know as: American Pale Ale and they are based in Paraparaumu, New Zealand

This is in the smaller 330ml bottle, still with the lumps and bumps of the bigger bottles, and it's only 3.3% ABV, so only 0.86 of one standard drink in this bottle. Only 99 calories too. Sounds like a winner.

[caption id="attachment_9258" align="alignleft" width="300"]Man in need of haircut holds up a beer Man in need of haircut holds up a beer[/caption]

Here at Tuatara we understand that your enthusiasm for hops has mutated into a full-blown obsession. We also know that your king hit of the beloved cone often comes with alcohol levels that can turn an evening into a lifetime. ITI (te reo Maori for “small”) is what you’re looking for.

It’s got the New World hop slam you crave from Citra, Simcoe, Amarillo and Cascade, but with a subdued malt background and a very diplomatic 3.3% alcohol. It’s the ideal session ale for the unreconstructed hophead.

So a nice afternoon beer, even it was cold and raining outside.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Beer - #439 - Garage Project - Baltic Porter

A Porter. Seems like I've moved to a darker side in the last few beers. This is not different - Garage Project Baltic Porter.

Brewed by the prolific  Garage Project of course in the style that is of Baltic Porter ad they are in Wellington, New Zealand

Familiar 650ml bottle (22Fl Oz) , which calculates out to be 243 calories a serve from an 8.1%ABV beer, and that makes 4.1 standard drink units in NZ.

Garage Project Baltic PorterA beer needs to be dressed in the best. Poor Baltic Porter, favourite tipple of the Czars and one of our most popular dark beers, never had a stitch to wear. But now the face of Baltic is bear not bare, naked no longer thanks to the irreverent creative mischief of local gone global art collective & clothing brand ALC. With new threads and a quirky take on the traditional, Baltic is stepping out in fine style. Huge ups to ALC.

It is chilly outside, this might be what I need to get me to the home made pizza-o-clock date I have in a couple of hours.

The Garage Project beers can be a bit hit and miss, and their off-the-wall beers are either just weird, or excellent, and there standards are sometimes a bit 'meh'  I'm hoping the middle - excellent from this.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Kereru Brewing – Auro - It's Gluten free and about to harder to find

Gluten-free claims will be banned from beer bottles under new regulations....

Beer - #438 - Hop Federation - American Brown Ale

Dial it back a notch, or up a notch with a Hop Federation American Brown Ale, possibly the oldest beer in the fridge that's not on the save to a really rainy day list

Brewed by Hop Federation Brewery in that style is of  Brown Ale and they are in the romantically named Riwaka, New Zealand

500ml bottle of a beer that is 4.5% ABV making it 1.78 standard drinks in NZ, (Although it says 1.6 on the label), and 135 calories a serving.  32 IBU things which is sort of entry level English bitter or Stout (A Pilsner might be 25 for instance)

Hop Federation - American Brown AleOur American Brown Ale is rich and dark with a delicious chocolate caramel aroma. Subtle chocolate and citrus flavours on the palate follow through to a moderate bitterness on the finish.

Dark in colour but lighter in style and with modest alcohol, our American Brown Ale is brimming with comforting aromas and flavours.

At first, it’s redolent with chocolate and coffee, following through with a full malty flavor that’s derived from a carefully managed combination of six varieties of Gladfield Canterbury malts. An edge of dark-cocoa bitterness is nicely balanced by a hint of cherries, giving it the warmth and richness of a dark beer in a light to medium body.

Based on a style of ale that grew from English roots to flourish in America in the late twentieth century, our American Brown Ale takes the tradition a step further with an Antipodean touch.

Got to be good for you.

Beer - #437 - Epic - Imperium

I thought I'd have a darker beer, so an Epic Imperium it is then.

"In Luke’s own words, its black, its soft, its malty and with notes of toasty loveliness"

This is a  bottle that is 500ml and has and ABV of 9.0%, which makes it 3.55 standard Drinks and 270 calories a serve.

Epic Brewing Company (NZ) brew this at Steam Brewing Company and it could be described as an: Imperial Stout or Foreign Stout, and they are based in Auckland, New Zealand.

[caption id="attachment_9230" align="alignleft" width="300"]Don't be afraid of the dark Don't be afraid of the dark[/caption]

The Epic Biennial Stout Series present Imperium. You are Tolerant. You are Subservient. Respect the Powerful. Worship the Elite. This is your future. You aren't strong enough to speak up. Obey unquestioningly. Open the Bottle. Taste this Beer. Enjoy.

Imperium has a rich aroma of melted dark chocolate drizzled on burnt Vogels toast. The flavour is cocoa, salted caramel plums, and burnt fruit cake, a silky voluptuous mouthfeel and a long tarry, and belly warming finish.

Should make a pleasing drink.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Beer - #436 - Beavertown - Black Betty

More beer in a can, the new normal -  this one a previous gift from the nice people - Today I'm drinking the Beavertown Black Betty.

Brewed by Beavertown in the style that is Black IPA and they are based in Hackney Wick, England

Can is 330 ml, (just over 11 Fl Oz), and contains a 7.4% ABV beer that is at  60 IBU, and of 222 calories a serve. In NZ this would be 1.93 standard drink units. 60 IBUS would be in the middle of the  range for an IPA, which can be 40-80.

Beavertown - Black BettyA big fat contradiction, jet black but light and hoppy. Heavy-handed use of Columbus, Chinook and Citra, with some clever German malt makes Betty a big, stinky brew.
Malt: Simpsons Best, Caragold, Caramalt, Carafa II & Carafa III.
Hops: Magnum, Columbus, Chinook & Citra.

This has a big following and is well liked, so I'm looking forward to this on a changeable afternoon where it's alternating between sun spells and bitter cold showers.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Beer - #435 - Timothy Taylor - Landlord *Redux*

I'm going again, even though this was only about 30 beers ago, so once more into the breech with  -  Timothy Taylor Landlord  - English beer.

I really didn't like it first time up, and was contacted by the importer and he offered me a new bottle of new stock. Humbled that anyone reads me I accepted.

Timothy Taylor LandlordBrewed by Timothy Taylor in the gold old style that is a Bitter or it might be  of course a real old English Pale Ale and they are in Keighley, England

A 500ml bottle of a beer of 4.1% ABV, all of  123 calories, this makes 1.66 standard drinks in NZ. IBU could be be expected in the 30-40 range

First brewed in 1952 as a bottled beer called Competition Ale. Changed name to Landlord in 1953.

Lets go.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Beer - #434 - Epic - Lupulingus

Beer with the oddest name for a while - Epic Lupulingus.

Buying this today put me in a quandary as there seems to be a raft of new beers available 'on tap' that are tempting, but I made a choice and so here we are.

"Lupulin = resinous compound from hops. Lingus = reference to tongue"

For  Epic Brewing Company (NZ) - Epic Lupulingus - brewed at Steam Brewing Company, this one in the style that is Imperial/Double IPA

I have 1 litre growler/bomber of a 9% ABV beer, with 101 IBU things, making this 7.1 standard drinks, in total this would be around 800 calories in the bottle, a lot of exercise to work that off.

[caption id="attachment_9196" align="alignright" width="300"]Selfie, trying not to grimace with sore ribs. Selfie, trying not to grimace with sore ribs.[/caption]

An intergalactic tangerine colour. The hop intensity is so great you continue to get the flavours developing in your mouth long after you have swallowed. It is full-on ripe summer stonefruit - like baked caramalized peaches, drizzled with apricot syrup – the hop resin character is fresh and piney but leaves an oily and gum numbing finish as your tongue is pounded by the chronic bitterness that feels like it will last forever.

This should go ok with the curry that has been waiting to be eaten and is wafting around the house.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Beer - #433 - Rogue - New Crustacean Barleywineish Imperial IPA Sorta

Beer with the longest name - Rogue New Crustacean Barleywineish Imperial IPA Sorta -

"Dedicated to Crustaceans"

Brewed by Rogue Ales  and this one is in the style that is best described as Barley Wine, and they are still in NewportOregon USA

750ml bottle, or 1 Pint 9.4 Fl Oz, (wine bottle size) of a beer that is 11.6% ABV and 384 calories a serve, and that makes it  6.86 standard drinks, and this is 88 IBU, so bitterish.

[caption id="attachment_9183" align="alignleft" width="300"]Beer with a long name Beer with a long name[/caption]

The name sort of says it all.

John Maier, our Brewmaster, wanted to create a beer that defied traditional style definitions. The result was a remarkably hoppy yet balanced and malty ale that quickly became a cult favorite in our Newport brewpub.

But what was it? It was not quite a barley wine and not quite a double or imperial IPA. Who really cares about putting beers into narrow categories? Great beer is great beer - just drink it and enjoy!

I think I shall give it a go..

Monday, August 4, 2014

Beer - #432 - Baylands - Woodrows Veto IPA

Another beer in a can. Two in a row!, this one Baylands Brewery and their Woodrows Veto IPA

Brewed by Baylands Brewery this on in the style that is  American Pale Ale or IPA as it says on the tin. They are in Wellington, New Zealand

Baylands - Woodrews Veto IPA330ml can of 7% ABV beer, which makes it 1.96 standard drink units,  210 calories in this,

A big hoppy IPA packed with American hops as recognition of Wilson Woodrow's hard work

Beer in cans are becoming more common, and a few more are appearing as the way brewers want to deliver their beer.

As always I'm prepared to give it a go and remain open minded.

Beer - #431 - Garage Project - Beer

It's called simply "Beer". In a can.

Brewed by Garage Project this one in the style that is Pale Lager and they are in Wellington, New Zealand

330ml can, 4.8% ABV and 1.25 standard drink units in NZ. around 140 calories in this.

Garage Project - BeerIt couldn’t be simpler.

Pilsner malt, Saaz hops and Czech yeast. That’s it.

Sometimes simple is exactly what you want.

Why bother dressing it up?

It is what it is.


Garage Project are good at the edges and not so flash in the middle, so not a lot of hope  in this, but I'm sure it'll be passable.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Beer - #430 - Pelican - Imperial Pelican Ale

I stopped by a new (to me) place Brothers Beer in town today and brought me some "Pelican Imperial Pelican Ale" that was in tap to take home in a growler.

"Huge Cascade hop aroma, the subtle malty sweetness, and the spicy, citrusy flavor of this robust, gold colored ale."

This is brewed by Pelican Pub & Brewery in that well travelled style that is India Pale Ale (IPA) and they are in Pacific CityOregon USA

I have to drink this evening a beer that is at 8% ABV, and that is of  85 IBU things (which is low end for a dIPA, but high for an IPA), this has 240 calories a serve, or about 850 in the bottle I have, and works out to be that I brought 7.89  standard drink units worth in the 1250 ml growler I brought  (42 fl oz).

 Our mascot, Phil the Pelican, has recreated the flavor of the British Empire with his own

[caption id="attachment_9156" align="alignleft" width="300"]Imperial Pelican Ale - which is an Indian Pale Ale, why quibble.. Imperial Pelican Ale - which is an Indian Pale Ale, why quibble..[/caption]

American twist. Enjoy the huge Cascade and Centennial hop aroma, the subtle malty sweetness, and the floral, citrusy flavor of this robust, gold colored ale. This brew began life as a seasonal beer during our first year and was so popular while we had it, and so frequently requested when it was gone, that we turned it into our fifth regular beer style our second year.

or... .

Our mascot, Phil the Pelican, got this Imperial IPA recipe from his long-lost Indian cousin, and has recreated the flavor of the British Empire with his own American twist. Enjoy the huge Cascade hop aroma, the subtle malty sweetness, and the spicy, citrusy flavor of this robust, gold colored ale.

Get in! Oh and Phil is a great name for a mascot...

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Beer - #429 - Thornbridge - Saint Petersburg

I've had a Thornbridge Saint Petersburg in the fridge for a while, and tonight seems a good night to get to drinking it.

Brewed by Thornbridge done in the style that is of Imperial Stout and they are in Bakewell, England

"Saint Petersburg is a fabulously full bodied – chocolatey, malt flavours with coffee finish combine to produce a great Imperial Stout."

[caption id="attachment_9143" align="alignright" width="300"]Selfie - in which I look incredibly old and squinty Selfie - in which I look incredibly old and squinty[/caption]

500ml bottle, with a great label art, 7.4% ABV, 2.92 standard drinks that would be in NZ, and as it's bottle conditioned may have yeast, This pops in at 222 calories a serve.

Rich and dark with smoke, subtle peatiness and the power of the dark malts. Molasses and liquorice and chocolate goodness all wrapped up in a smooth, warming liquid.

Finishes with a distinct humming bitterness carried well by the hop and malt combo.

So something dark, a bit sweet and enjoyable by the way it reads.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Beer - #428 - Garage Project - Pils 'n' Thrills

This is a more mainstream beer from Garage Project, and usually that means a bit 'meh' , but hey ho - Garage Project - Pils 'n' Thrills it is, for my sins, of which that are but two, everything I say, everything I do.

Brewed by possibly the brewer with the most beers I've drunk so far  Garage Project and they're having a crack at the style that is  Pilsener and no surprises they are in Wellington, New Zealand

Garage Project - Pils 'n' ThrillsA standard for them 650 ml bottle (22 fl oz) of a beer that should be 5.5% aBV and 3.1 Standard Drink Units in NZ,  and that would be 165 calories a serve in this beer. Important to know these things.

An American hopped pilsener, with a bright golden colour and a crisp, clean, bitter citrus character. Like all Garage beers it is also vegan and unfiltered.

Pils’N’Thrills is the Garage’s irreverent take on a classic European Pilsner, given extra kick with high-citrus American hops.

Like all Garage beers it is also vegan and unfiltered - I never knew!