Thursday, June 20, 2013

Beer- #184 - Yeastie Boys - Golden Age of Bloodshed

Yeastie Boys - Golden Age of Bloodshed,  Which comes from Yeastie Boys and is brewed at Invercargill Brewery in the style of a  Spice/Herb/Vegetable beer. I've also seen this described as a Belgium Pale Ale.

GrowlerIt's a 6.5% ABV beer, and this time I got this in a "Growler" of 2 litres from the nice people at Liquorland in Newmarket, Auckland. 500mls of a 6.5% ABV beer should be about 2.8 Standard drinks, so a growler would be about 12-ish standard drink equivalents

This is a "heavily beeted Belgian blond"  beer, So what's in store is a beer that's likely to be very pink in colour and confused in taste.

There's nothing special on the aroma, a little spicy maybe.

It's a crazy pink colour, with a lively pink fluffy head that dies away to a film.

I wasn't expecting that colour to be honest. The Aroma doesn't change much either, remains vaguely spicy in a vague way.

PINK BEERSo to the taste.

Which ends up being of not a lot of much. You'd expect something tart from the beetroot. And the Spicy aroma you'd think would be the base of a wheat type beer.

But there isn't anything definable.

This is a beer that isn't bitter, isn't sweet, does not have a sharp finish, or a tart beginning. It's a bit, well, boring.

As it warms a bit you get a bit of 'rough' in the middle but it's not heavy, harsh, or a note on it's own. And you might begin to pick up some background banana flavour (of all things)

It's also, being fair, thin. But it's not dull or insipid. It's sweet enough to be unobtrusive, but there isn't a personality.

Overall the pdubyah-o-meter says ----- 6 making it a bit average, but at the better end of average than the "meh" end. Yeastie Boys are a bit edgy at times and have a couple of spectacular hits, the His Majesty 2012 for instance, which is awesomsauce. This however is it's shadow, an absolute swing and a miss in terms of flavour profile, but again, it isn't unpleasant or undrinkable, and I'm easily going to finish this without wondering how I'll drink the last mouthful, and that's why it's a 6 not a 5 or less.

I've drunk much much worse beer than this in terms of a profile, or point taste. This doesn't have anything standout, and if you take out "where's the single taste point", or even "what's the point"  this isn't all that bad.

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