Sunday, June 9, 2013

Beer - #182 - Moon Dog - Dasher’s Envy

Moon Dog Dasher’s Envy, a Fancy Christmas Ale, I was always a bit slow on things. This is Brewed by Moon Dog Craft Brewery in the style of a  Belgian Strong Ale and it's from the West Island, specifically Abbotsford, Australia

Moon Dog - Dashers  Envy330ml bottle of a 25IBU, 8.1% ABV beer, making it 2.1 standard drinks.

Here's a beer to celebrate the silly season. And haven't we've done it in style with a "fancy christmas ale". Mmmmmmmmm.... Just the big, sweet, hefty, ruby-brown Belgian ale to tuck into in a sweltering 40C southern hemisphere Christmas.

An it's now June, so a bit wintery down in the bottom part of the globe. So it works.

Theres not really anything by way of aroma on opening, Pours a dark rich red, and settles to a musty fruit aroma.

There's a frowning a-going on when I taste this. It's not, um, overly pleasant. There is a bunch of random spice, all based on a sweet layer, but it's a bit all over the show.

On top of it all this is a bit thin on taste, short on length and missing any warmth.

It might be styled like a Belgium Strong Ale, and the alcohol is very muted and well hidden, but  sadly this is a bit of  pig's ear with no defining moment.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this a 5 making it average on the scale of things. It made me frown in a bad way, and left me expecting something more. There should have been a burst of something and the uncharitable me looks at the list of things they put in this and wonders if they had a bunch of stuff coming up to use-by dates. Sorry chaps this isn't for me.

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