Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January started with a hiss and a roar

It seems that January has  started with a hiss and roar.

New Years day morning (just after midnight) the Father taxi to recover Daughter from the Police Station where she is reporting a stolen purse. Which means having to deal with not only the trauma of being the victim of a crime, which is horrendous the first time, but the resulting tedium of replacing drivers licences, and bank cards, and student ID's.  Lucky though the phone wasn't stolen, I'm not sure what would have been the worse tragedy.

New Kitten. Having put it off for 4 months we finally succumbed to a new kitten. A gray thing, noisy boisterous and playful. Bit of a challenge for the older cat though. Comes complete with micro-chip technology and is de-sexed no more cute kittens will be possible from this one.

New Year resolutions: The exercise, I've started with good intentions. Still find myself over-stepping which mean sore shins. But I'm giving it a full on go, which breaks a sweat, and I'll be into jogging and interval soon. If only the weight would be as co-operative


The Birthday: It's MrsPdubyahs birthday, and after so many years I've run out of things to buy for her. It doesn't help that she works with ready access to perfumes and cosmetics, or that I work in IT. This means that overall we have all the gadgets and she has all the look nice things already. I've tried jewelry, but this year we've been selling some of it off as it's only ever seen the inside of a draw. I'm not bitter that she hates the things I buy her, and I'm sure I'm in for a surprise request any day soon. I will get a card and flowers (petrol station w/glitter sparkles).

Friends: We have a good friend who's decided it's time to move to Wellington. This means that should we care to continue to see each other that we would have to fly to Wellington. Which suits us, as we have some family there. Something to look forward to and something to miss.

Family: Son has brought himself a budgerigar. I think this was more his girlfriend than him. Not sure why. the challenge I guess.  Daughter is attending a summer paper at University for Chemistry, that she needs for her further studies, which she's getting closer on deciding, possibly Nutrition and Psychology, or sports science.

Still to come:

The birthday night out with MrsPdubyah, downtown at a venue TBA, it's no use me thinking up something, I'll play dumb and go along with it.

The beach party where we're expected to take a plate and matching drink "from around the world" so for example Sushi and Sake, if you were a bit lame. The challenge is coming up with something that looks flash and takes 5 minutes to throw together.

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