A Bottle of 750ml, @ 7.3% ABV (about 4.3 standard drinks) and listed as being 70 IBU and it has 45g of carbohydrate!
Intriguing what? Comes with a completely unnecessary ZORK closure. However once you wrestle that contraption off it does have a pleasant hissy carbonation.
A fruity aroma, hiding what seems to be an overly yeasty base but it is somewhat sweetly pleasant, more malts than hops. It's a dark rich english beer colour too, I was expecting pale, this is the opposite. Also has a pleasant head on the pour.
Slightly bitter but really really pleasantly sweet with a lovely balance of malts. The second mouthful reveals it's bitterness, but also how it carries the fruits.
This is shapes to be a mildly bitter, creamy smooth ale, with bitterness that does not overshadow the delivery of tastes. And I would invite mates around and session on this without any problems at all.
As a showpiece beer this is quite clever, and brings a smile to my face. It's understated and yet also has a presence. I'd easily go this again, and the pdubyah-o-meter gets to a 9.4 arbitrarily on its scale of arbitrary. Top work.
Related articles
- High ABV Beers: Natural Carb or Force Carb? (beaconhillsbrewhouse.wordpress.com)
- The Beer Nut: Looking ahead to the beer year (metrowestdailynews.com)
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