Sunday, November 25, 2012

Big Night In!

It's the festive season, when workplace parties begin to kick in, and tonight I find myself with the prospect of being home alone.  MrsPdubyah is off the "Foodstore" down on the viaduct,  for her party, which makes me a bit Jealous to be honest. But I'll man up and get over it.

Daughter will be here, but she's turned into a room dweller, and might even be going out, who knows with kids.

So I have a check-list of things to get or make sure I have;

  1. Beer - Selection of

  2. Ribs

  3. Curley Fries

  4. Camembert

  5. Sundry other

No, it's complete, 5 things are all you need, which is why it's  a 5 point checklist. Salad might sneak in under "Sundry", but only if it's in the coleslaw style. Crackers should come under that as well.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="144"]Up to repeat #3 and it keeps sounding better. ... Up to repeat #3 and it keeps sounding better. #xx #coexist #nofilterneeded #goosebumps #touchingmyself (Photo credit: P. Scott)[/caption]

Music isn't a consumable, except for the ears. Tonight

  • The XX - Coexist - just how enjoyable is this album, if you've got Spotify give this a crack

  • Heart Attack Alley - Living In Hell

and from the musty box in the Garage....

I could get used to this.


  1. Love this post. I'm willing to bet there had already been some of #1 in play when you sat down and wrote it.

  2. Sadly no, that was me at lunch having a mandreaming. I've covered everything off though, except the salad, which we will never mention again. Right now though A Ballsat Point IPA, from San Diego, which is closer to you than me :)

  3. Mandreaming is what gets us through most days, isn't it. That and beer.
