I remember that I fell in a bit of lust with the Baird Beer – Baird Wabi Sabi IPA a while ago, I have fond memories of Baird being a bit special.
And I am on a Porter adventure, one that I'm not getting the hang of, Porter either eludes me or it's not all that and bag of crisps. I do like the romanticism of a Japanese beer however and the delivery of these makes you look at the label for meaning.
and we're back in the room...... The immediate aroma is a bitter... it's dark dark, it's heady, there are a bunch of hops and malts.
The immediate taste isn't of chocolate but then it's there at the back, the front taste is of a fruit like a plum or damson but not, I wonder what fruit that is? The wonderful way the chocolate carries through though, that's a nice thing. So a light sweet dark and multi-layer beer.
I find though that for all I thought that this was bit thin, a bit of "oh here comes the chocolate" taste, and that made it less of a thing. These guys are trying though and this seems to be very close to an "it" that you think you are looking for in a beer.
The pdubyah-o-meter can only get 7 from 10 arbitrary things, which makes this just about on a par as a beer, the place where you're neither challenged or insulted, not enlightened or made to feel a bit silly.
Sadly though, Nothing to see here, move along....
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