Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Beer – #48 – Epic - Message in a Bottle

Epic - Message in a Bottle. a 7.5% ABV beer in a 500ml bottle. Brewed at Steam Brewing Company In the style of an India Pale Ale (IPA), in Auckland.

When Kiwis first started brewing their own beer in the late 19th century, it was modelled on the IPAs imported from the Motherland by ship. This is what we used to drink before industrialisation, prohibition-pleasing law reform and rationalisation turned beer into a one-dimensional mass-produced commodity. At the dawn of the 21st century a brave new age of brewing is bringing back flavour and rediscovering the popular beers that time forgot. Whatls old is new again. Enjoy it like it was your first time.

Two things, My pictures are getting worse, not a pretty man this one looks like I've developed a badger stipe! Anyway Right then, an IPA, so expecting a bit hoppy, bit coppery, and it's all that, a burnt caramel, bittery nice and roasty.

Nice one EPIC, Lovely colour, lovely aroma. top stuff, except for the feeling of over-carbonation.

The pdubyah-o-meter cranks upto an 8 on this, out of 10 arbitrary things. It's pleasant, flavourful, colourful but in the end not character-full enough to be great.

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