Thursday, August 16, 2012

Comedy Gold - Quackery knocked down - Advertiser hits back at complaint

This today from the New Zealand Herald News Advertiser hits back at complaint - National - NZ Herald News.

"An advertiser who claimed its Mineral Mud Treatment would prevent hip and knee joint replacement surgery hit back at a complaint that it was misleading, saying it did not need to prove the efficiency of its treatment.

A complaint was laid with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) by a physiologist which said "I can assure you the efficacy of this treatment can be due only to the placebo effect".

Which if that isn't funny enough they then resolve to pull another non-science based treatment into the fray as "proof" that two wrongs make a right

"In response to the complaint Mineral Mud Treatment's legal counsel said: "It is my understanding that acupuncture is quite regularly advertised throughout New Zealand yet there is no scientific proof one way or another for the efficiency of acupuncture yet practices do allow it."

The response went on to state that it was not Mineral Mud Treatment's position to have to prove its efficiency, rather it was the complainants duty to prove the remedy was not effective."

And then showing total disrespect to the complainant, a physiologist, which is a bit science based.....

"Therefore until this is done there is nothing really to respond to except to say that the complainant has no knowledge of what he is talking about."

Lucky then that for all the bluster and bravado the ASA ruled for the complainant and upheld the complaint

"The advertiser declined to provide any further response to substantiate its claims, and the ASA ruled that the advertisement was likely to mislead and deceive consumers and exploit their lack of knowledge. The ASA ruled to uphold the complaint."

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