MrsPdubyah was moping about the house yesterday 'unfulfilled' and generally mooching and moody, #1Son has allegedly left home and MrsPdubyah yesterday used some of my beer tokens to buy him a fridge/freezer for his new house.
I say allegedly left home, I just checked his room, There is a fair amount of detritus and general things left that I wonder if he's hoping that we'll decide for him to throw it away.
Oh and the clothes. I'm hoping that he has more clothes than what he wore to work, since there is a pile of things. MrsPdubyah will either drive over to the new house, expect me to take them to #1Son, or wait for him to come home, the latter is unlikely.
So Empty Nest Syndrome. The feeling of helplessness, the angst of your children living away from the nest.
MrsPdubyah is a bit strange on some aspects of this, we've paid for a tenancy bond, and now we've assisted substantially with home appliances. We've also brought #1Son a car recently, so he's had a fair chunk of our financial resources.
She assures me that he's been given the hard word, that the ties are cut, and that he's on his own. And then she talks about taking over a food parcel.
The fine line between letting them go to get on with it, and the tie that says you don't want them to fail. The arms length thing.
I know that some parents care less about their children leaving and live for the day, I can justify our difference by saying that as immigrants we don't really have any other extended family, no wider family that'll be called on in an emergency. Not that there will be one.
Not exactly the three little words I wanted to hear then. I did suggest that we could leave our 4 bedroom house since we clearly don't need at least two of the bedrooms and right-size our life. I leave it to you imagination as to how that worked out for me. Seems we've relocated the newly vacant bedroom as a sewing/dressing room. Who knew that that was what was missing in our life?
The upside is #1Daughter gets her own bathroom, free of boy things, so she's happy. Although she pretends to miss her brother I think not.
For me? Well I could leverage this feeling of empty to get me some outward display of love, I wonder if it stretches to a PS/3 and GT4 ?
Related articles
- Help for Empty Nest Syndrome (
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- The Empty Nest Will Be Full Once More (
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