Have a fight have a beer, The English way since ages ago then.
I'm expecting quite a bit from this then, particularly in color and aroma. And I'm not disappointed in either. Pours to a nice head too, win!
Bit of a fruity aroma, hey I read the label and it says that it would have one, and it does, and a fairly complex taste set. It has bitterness but a strangely sweet bitterness that isn't unpleasant.
I'd suggest that this is a fantastic beer actually, and one that I'd be happy to sit with for a session, nothing wrong with it that I can find. It unremarkable, unchallenging and yet it's not missing in action. It delivers what it says it does. You can tell I'm impressed.
I have to award arbitrary score on the arbitrary pdubyah-o-meter, and in this case it would be 8 from 10 arbitrary numbers. It's not that it's a bad beer, it just that it's not a remarkable beer, It's just a very good beer, and me and the blue cheese are going to enjoys it's company for a couple.
Oh I forgot to mention that the last time I had an Adnams Ale was when we were on a self-drive cruise boat on the Norfolk Broads, and I'm sure it was at a place called the Wherry Inn. But then I would have been say 17 years old, and that my friends is a long time ago. Now I'm dead set sure it Wherry, and I'm dead set sure that means chain pulled or driven. And I'm also dead set sure we had a few.
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