Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Beer – #31 – Crabbie's Original Alcoholic Ginger Beer

Crabbie's Original Alcoholic Ginger Beer. It's a beer, ok it's a beer not a soda, a beer, says on the label.

I thought it would be dark like dark beer, but it's golden like golden lager. And it does smell like Ginger.

Crabbies Ginger Beer  however, on investigation, is not made from barley. It is a keeved cider and it's flavoured with ginger and sugar.

At 500ml of 4% ABV it's not going to make you woozy, in moderation  But if you had  sweet tooth, a thirst on, and it was a warm or hot day, this would be the one that you'd go for.

It's a bit like the Lion Red of alcoholic Ginger beer.

If there was a coin toss though between this and the Rekordlig Cider for instance I'd hope like heck that it was for the Crabbie's Ginger Beer. Not that the Rekordlig Cider isn't nice but.

It's not bad, but it's not what I was expecting. It's not unpleasant, it might be a bit sweet, and it is very quaffable. I could see why this would be "on the list" for a summer party, and is very popular.

Lucky I brought two as one sort of went in a hurry. It's very tasty and has a spot that it hits. It won't be for everyone, and it won't be for every time. But for difference, taste and just plain old enjoyment in a glass this isn't demanding, testing or dangerous to your palate. Get some in you.

Thanks to the wonderful @leggully on twitter who put me right about this, and the wonderful "The English Corner Shop" in Onehunga from where I also brought some  Adnams Broadside - stand by.........

To  the pdubyah-o-meter for some arbitrary stars out of a arbitrary number and this would have to be 4 from 5. Just because. I brought two and I'm looking forward to the second, It is a Monday and it's a work day tomorrow, I think somehow I'll get through it ok.


  1. [...] Beer – #31 – Crabbie’s Original Alcoholic Ginger Beer (pdubyah.com) [...]

  2. I think you are wrong about it being a keeved cider, so perhaps it will be a bit easier to copy. I just bought it here in the US and it says MALT BEVERAGE WITH NATURAL FLAVORS AND CARAMEL COLOR ADDED on the front of the label

  3. I'm positive that it's a fine drink for a sunny day :-).

    It's definitely not a "beer" by any understanding of beer though.
