Briefly as a recap: #3 Child suggested that when the mother passed that she would have all the money in the estate, #2 Child agreed, based on a knowledge of one post office account, that would have covered the expenses, and left some money over. Not all the family was present (I'm in NZ, #1 is in Australia, #8 was at the time whereabouts unknown) but it seems reasonable to have been suggested, has some merit and if it'd worked out like that, a win-win.
Post death it transpires that there is a banking account, and unbeknown a building society account and a life insurance policy.
So whilst the "agreement" between #2 and #3 on the face of it was acceptable, based on one account with enough money to cover funeral expenses, a drama ensues.
But in graphical terms the latest chapter looks like this;
How the family sees "the family"
How the family is represented to a bank.
The family is represented to the bank as 7 - yes that's right, 7 individuals. #8 child having been incommunicado for reasons of his own, and was whereabouts unknown (at the time). Bank require signatures from "Every member" of the family to be able to release the money in the account.
Meantime : How the family is represented to a Building Society.
Seems that a declaration of entitlement was lodged with the Building Society and an amount of money paid out, and kept, and not reported or communicated with the other Eight (or Seven - depends on who's telling the story) children
Meantime: How the family is represented to a Life Insurance Company.
As far as the Insurance company know there is only one child in the family, a sole beneficiary, and have documented declaration to the same. Of course being an only child there are no other family members to report this to.
How the family reacts.
It was decided, based on #8 child being whereabouts unknown, and incommunicado for many years, that #7 would seek and be granted a probate of administration. Essentially a warrant to settle an intestate will. And this would involve full disclosure, reporting and investigation of the financial position.
#1 child is furious, #2 child is incandescent. The two other sisters are strangely silent on this (or they may be having in-private conversations with the Administrator (#7) ), I'm #6 and a bit miffed. #7 is righteously furious and #8 child has made a sudden and coincidental re-appearance (which bring much joy and smiling, and it's a genuine re-appearance it's not like we're about to inherit a bazillion monies or anything)
MrsPdubyah shakes her head at me and tells me to stop making excuses or allowing myself to belive that #3 was acting with good intention. I'm beyond that today, it's now just wickedness and wilfulness, and I'm all for the boys in blue paying a visit.
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