Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Beer – #27 in a series – Jaipur

Thornbridge Jaipur IPA.

"A citrus dominated India Pale Ale, its immediate impression is soft and smooth yet builds to a crescendo of massive hoppiness accentuated by honey. An enduring, bitter finish"

A tall 500ml (pint) bottle and 5.9 ABV. with a fancy new label.

This one was special delivery from the UK from a friend of mine who could not rate it too highly. The interwebtubes also seem to lean towards this being at the better end of the tasty than not.

I've been holding back on this (not really) as I've only the one bottle, and that makes it even more precious. But it's a night for a nice beer and so here we go!

Pale, straight up smells like oranges, and also you can smell the hopppiness. It's really pale did I mention that, and  Gosh that's a good taste, I'm having to tell myself to slow down a bit and enjoy it.

The initial and lingering smell of hops does not translate into a taste of hops, and there's no bitterness or metallic on the tounge. The flavor stays and lingers, and it's only later, almost an after thought that the hops break through with a nice afterglow.

Maxing lyrical on this I've got to say that 10 arbitrary stars out of 10 might not be enough, liquid awesomeness.  I'm wondering who I can hit up to get this on their shelves.

Arbitrarily then on the equally as arbitrary pdubyah-o-meter this is a staggeringly good 10 out of 10, and is almost that good to make me re-asses the other scores, because this has a bit of daylight between it and the next best.


  1. […] a Thornbridge Jaipur. This is a beer that I had the pleasure of in a bottle a long time ago, and fondly remember it as being awesome. The keg version wasn’t a welcome return of the king. It was mightily good, but was thinner […]

  2. […] So here we go again - Brewed by Thornbridge in the style that is  India Pale Ale (IPA) and they are in Bakewell, England (which I think has a Tart named after it too). It’s been 369 beers between drinks.  […]
