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"When we all arrived at your mums on the day of her funeral <...> had already cleared the property and all that was left were photographs and bric-a-brac. Anything of any alleged monetary value was gone"
Made with Scottish grown malt and American and English hops. A zesty aroma leads to a medium bodied ale with loads of hop flavour and a satisfying finish
Relatives of the prime suspect in the unsolved 1969 Jennifer Beard murder are pushing to clear his name.
Timaru truck driver Gordon Bray went to his grave 10 years ago, aged 83, maintaining his innocence over the young Welsh teacher's murder.
Police never charged him because of lack of evidence.
Beard, 25, disappeared while hitchhiking down the West Coast on New Year's Eve in 1969 on her way to meet her fiance. Her body was found under the Haast River bridge 19 days later.
Bray had been on the West Coast and owned a blue Vauxhall Velox car, which matched witnesses' descriptions of the vehicle sought by police. A pair of trousers found 100 metres from her body three days after its discovery had a receipt tucked inside with his name on it.
Last weekend, some of Bray's family gathered in Timaru for his sole surviving sibling's 105th birthday.
His nephew, Sam Leary, of Kaikoura, said yesterday he and his four surviving sisters also met Oamaru private investigator Cindy Roberts and watched her documentary on the case.
The family are convinced their uncle had nothing to do with Beard's death. "We could handle it if it was found that Jennifer Beard was murdered and they had hard evidence that Gordon Bray was the murderer. We could accept that but we're a long way from that."
Leary planned to stay in contact with Roberts, who also doubted Bray's involvement.
Police documents stated their pathologist was unable to determine a cause of death because of the body's state.
Leary said his family was not convinced Beard was murdered. "We want that part nailed down."
His mother was devastated when her brother was accused of murder, he said, so the subject was avoided. They decided she was too frail to raise the case on her 105th birthday.
Leary's family had lived only a few hundred metres from Bray's Timaru home so had a lot of contact with him. "I spent years going fishing with my Uncle Gordon. He never once gave any hint of a violent attitude."
The trousers found at the scene also gave the family doubts because they had never seen him wear denim trousers.
"And all the so-called evidence that has been talked about [the murderer] being a fat, balding man, well, I'm six foot and he was taller than me. He was not fat and he was not balding. He was just a big raw-boned guy
Currently, it is our forest plantations where much of the foreign ownership is found.However, the only comprehensive statistics I have found are from the FAO document database and relate to 1999. At that stage about 72% of our pine forests were foreign owned, with United States companies owning about 35% and Asian companies about 12%. More recent data is incomplete but foreign ownership appears to have further increased.
Our wine industry is also predominantly foreign owned. Montana is owned by French giant Pernod Ricard. Nobilo, Selaks, Kim Crawford and Monkey Bay are owned by American company Constellation. Well known brands such as Cloudy Bay, Matua and Wither Hills are all foreign owned. Although many other wine companies are still Kiwi, they tend to be the small companies, and on a volume basis about 70% is foreign owned. The foreign owned companies have their own estates and then purchase additional grapes from Kiwi contract farmers
In 2005, the OIC approved the sale of 149,473 hectares of rural land to foreigners, of which about 100,000 hectares was from one foreign investor to another. Foreign owned land covers more than one million hectares or about 7% of our commercially productive land area
We only use natural Burton spring water and traditional varieties of barley and hops (Maris Otter Barley, Fuggles and Goldings hops), rather than less expensive, commercially grown, modern hybrids. Unique in this world, it is still brewed in the oak casks of the Burton Union to preserve its unique character, consistent quality and taste.
Ok so there's me grinning like a loon. Presented in a magnificent 650ml bottle - that's a lot!, I give you the "The Original Stoke Bomber Bohemian Ale"
From the Mccashin Family Brewery (Nelson, NZ), it's listed as a Golden Ale. It's ABV of 5.3% makes it a little stronger than most local beers.
It's a lovely golden color in the glass, and has a very enticing hoppy smell on pour. To be fair I was fair gagging for this.
I was not disappointed as the taste is to match, it's pleasant, pleasing and moreish. I thought it really was that good.
The label says "the finest natural ingredients, with no chemicals, preservatives, sugar, or artificial colourings or flavorings" and I think it's a bit spot on. From the interwebtubes I found this nonsense
"delicate wheat and lightly roasted barley with the lively citrus and pepper flavours. Fully rounded mouthfeel and engaging honeyed malt complexity and spicy. Classic Bohemian."
but what can I say other than yes. Goal!
On the completely arbitrary pdubyah-o-meter this is easily a 9 out of 10, the Mccashin crew have this one sorted.
Thanks to the fine people at the Wine Circle in Huapai who keep me on the straight and narrow!
"Was God an ancient astronaut? Do centuries-old legends of gods and heroes tell of space travelers who came to earth from distant parts of the Cosmos? Are some of the ruins of antiquity remnants of great airfields, the favored landing sites of extraterrestrial craft?"
Do you remember the time that we were on the ferry (the Auckland to Waiheke ferry), and I wanted a drink?. Well you went to get me one and you came back with a can of Fanta,and I wanted Sprite, And I cried?
Do you remember the time when you brought me home a boy doll, and it was ugly, and I cried?
Do you remember that time at the park when a bee flew at me and I closed my eyes and when I opened them it had gone? And I asked you to check my eye as I thought the bee had flown into and was now living in my eyeball. And I Cried?
One fine day in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other
I went straight round the corner
and saw a dead donkey die
I took out my dagger to shoot him
and he gave me a kick in the eye.
I went to the pictures tomorrow,
I took a front seat at the back.
I fell from the pit to the gallery,
And broke a front bone in my back.
I Went To the Pictures Tomorrow,
I got a front seat at the back.
I fell from the pit to the gallery,
And broke a front bone in my back.
I went around a straight crooked corner,
To see a dead donkey die.
I took out my pistol to stab it,
And it kicked me right in the eye!
A lady she gave me some chocolate,
I ate it and gave it her back.
I phoned for a taxi and walked it
And thats why I never came back.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
And came to arrest the two dead boys,
If you don't believe this story’s true,
Ask the blind man he saw it too!.
Mary had a little lamb,
She thought him very silly,
She threw him up into the air,
And caught him by his,
Willy was a sheepdog lying in the grass,
Down came a bumblebee and stang him on the,
Ask no questions, tell no lies,
I saw a policeman doing up his,
Flies are a problem, wasps are worse,
That is the end of my silly little verse.
Mary had a little lamb,
Her father shot it dead.
Now Mary takes the lamb to school,
Between two hunks of bread.
Then the one that made my children laugh
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?
As you can see, Morgan is black. All of the police officers who discharged the barrage of bullets into him were white.
As part of promotion the College hosts the ANZAC Tournament, which is an invitational festival competition of teams from through out New Zealand.
This chestnut-coloured beer is brewed using pale ale and crystal malt, which gives it a full-bodied flavour. A finely balanced hop character is enriched by the late addition of Styrian Goldings as a dry hop in each cask to give a prominent floral hop aroma and warming aftertaste.