500ml can of beer 5% ABV, so 150 calories a serve size, so 2 standard drink units.
For United Dutch Breweries this is brewed at InBev Belgium in the style that is Pale Lager and they're in Breda, Netherlands
[caption id="attachment_11539" align="alignleft" width="300"]

Brewed by Oranjeboom, the Netherlands until 2004.......
The can has "Imported" at least 9 times on the can, so I'm guessing it's an export beer.
So what could possibly go wrong?
Aroma is a bit MIA.
Pour is pale and there is a head that starts well and just fades away to less, more than a film though. Aroma is trying to be that more hoppy grassy thing that is familiar of lager.

I've had some average beers, even recently, and this sets a new bar, so low. It is tasteless sugary water with some token flavour tossed in.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 1 of its things from the thing. I have nothing good to say about this, and unlike some other everyman this is so nondescript that exporting it to another country is a way of offloading it onto unsuspecting punters who will pay next to nothing and complain. but never see it again as it does the rounds of the markets. A shocker.
The double dip review
Am I enjoying it? No
Would I have another? No
Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? No
Music for this " Wilco " an American alternative rock band based in Chicago, Illinois. The album " Star Wars " of course on the Spotify or it's a free download for a limited time.
The colour of pale lager ranges from light bronze to nearly transparent and the alcohol anywhere from 4-6%. Adjunct usage may be quite high, though in some cases the beer is all-malt. Carbonation is typically forced, though not always. One thing that doesnt vary is that neither the malt nor the hops make much of an impression on the palate. These beers are brewed for minimum character, though faint traces of hop or malt may show through. More likely though is that adjuncts like corn will show through, or you’ll find notes of higher alcohols (fuel notes) due to the use of high-gravity brewing. The body will be thin and watery, and the finish is typically non-existent.
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