' ... Biting into a toffee apple..... Barrel aged, toffee apple, imperial amber ale. '
Brewed by Moon Dog Craft Brewery this is in the style that is either an Amber Ale or American Strong Ale and they're in Abbotsford, Australia
The 330ml bottle of beer is of 8.2% ABV and 248 calories a serve, 32 IBU thingies, and overall this is 2.14 standard drink units in the bottle.
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Belgian brewers have been using candi sugar forever to produce stronger beers with rich caramel notes. Calvados is a type of French brandy made with apples. Perhaps the most surprising thing about Mummy Have A Bite is that no other brewers had thought to combine these classic fairground flavours before.
The solid malt base makes this a well rounded beer which is one to savour rather than swig. It is heavy and sweet but not overly so. It is fun to sip and list flavours, as well as the obvious we noted oak, grapefruit citrus, vanilla & whisky.
So what could possibly go wrong with that? Well I don't know, but I do know that the label is incredibly hard to decipher, particularly with old man eyes, grumble grumble like an old man, none of which has any effect in the beer though, so harden up.
Aroma is like a cider apple, then a wash of toffee
Pour is lot darker than I thought I was going to get, it's the same orange toffee colour that you get on toffee-apples at the fair, and it pours with a small white head, In the glass it's a lot darker, physics of light probably or something.

What an interesting taste that is, it most certainly is like a Belgium beer with the candi-sugar, then it gives way to a alcohol heavy tartness that is really noticeable and somewhat overtakes everything else.
It's always going to be and to quieten down such a high alcohol, leaving it to warm more brings out the middle flavour and a softness, but it isn't quaffing beer, an easy sipper.
A confusing beer, but an audacious effort that for me is a bit imperfect.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7 of its things from the thing. A 7 makes it 'good' in arbitrary terms, solid. I really liked the Belgium style candy-sugar hit that was the initial taste, I didn't really like the raw alcohol note, and when it warmed I really like the softer middle, but it still finishes with a alcohol twang that reminds you sip now swill.
The double dip review
Am I enjoying it? I started really enthusiastic but it wore me out.
Would I have another? I don't think so, but it did remind me I like Belgium beers.
Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? I might though, this is a good test of palate and preferences that explore your perceptions and remind you that it's never 'just' a beer.
Music for this, surprised myself with ' Black Rebel Motorcycle Club' (often abbreviated as BRMC) is an American rock band from San Francisco, CA. and their album ' live in paris' Listen here on Spotify, or all the other places. This is a track ' Sometimes the Light '
A style without definition, amber ales range from bland, vaguely caramel beers to products with a fairly healthy malt and hop balance. Often the differentiation between a quality amber and an American Pale is that the amber might have more dark malt character, or a less assertive hop rate.
Not a style, per se, but the only logical category to incorporate the plethora of strong, stylistically vague beers coming from American micros these days. Some are related to English Strong Ales, but with more hop, while others are ultra-strong variants on the IPA theme. But no matter how varied their origins or characters might be, all are intense, potent, with generous quantities of hops and malt.
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