Imperial Black Saison with cold pressed Coava coffee. And what you get with this beer is something a bit more unique in taste
the not so subtle named beer from Gigantic - Too Much Coffee Man, is on my table.
This is a 650ml bottle , the beer is of 8.2% ABV, and it has a mild 25 IBU rating, 246 calories a serve size, this would be 4.21 standard drink units in NZ.
Too Much Coffee Man is brewed by Gigantic Brewing Co. in the style that is either a Saison or a Belgian Strong Ale and Gigantic are in Portland, Oregon USA
Note: It could be a number of styles from "Imperial Black Saison, Belgium Style Black Ale, Saison / Farmhouse Ale, it's a fluid thing (not a pun intended).
I'm going with Saison. This is their Beer #17 and rated a G on their music scale. I might have to work that out.
The Too Much Coffee Man Beer is a rich Belgian Style Black Ale that combines the malt, floral, and fruit notes of a Saison
[caption id="attachment_10487" align="alignleft" width="300"]

with the caramel, honey, and graham of our cold brew coffee.
At 8.2% alcohol and 134% delicious-awesomeness this beer does not fool around.
It is a reward for your hard working taste buds.
An experiment perfected! This beguiling blend of Imperial black saison and custom roasted cold pressed Coava coffee will have your olfactory zones erongenized and begging for more.
I love cold brew coffee, this sounds like a bit of heaven. And what, I ask myself, could go wrong with that combination?
This does have a lovely flat coffee aroma on opening, a nice hiss too,
Pur is deep dark black, and the head tries hard but just gives up and leaves just a hint, a film, a whisper.

The taste, Well I was confused when I tasted tobacco ash, wouldn't you be?
This is also more bitter then you might be expecting and waiting for, all around the edges of the tongue tingling.
Beer has a lot of rich fruits in the body. The coffee is chipping in on the bottom note. There is a lot less sweetness that you might expect too, despite the fruit situation.
Also I though a lot less coffee and I know that cold press should be more mellow. Still they could have worked something out, the aroma somewhat over-plays the taste delivered.
I'm going to say that New Zealand has a strong coffee culture, and that poor coffee isn't tolerated. It is on that basis that I think the coffee-ness of this in the taste might be light. I think it's adequate but I don't think it is "too much" which I might have liked.
Then It is a Saison, or a Belgium Strong Ale, or both , or neither. So you don't get a baseline to go from. So you make your own.
This does have hints of the Saison and musty about it, it doesn't have a hit of sweetness though. It does have a great aroma. Doesn't have a head.
Does make me smile.
As it warms up slightly though, you do get the alcohol burn at the back, which made me smile more in the sense that "oh there it is!" As it warms up it calms down slightly in the bitterness, and this too is welcome.
Once you work your way into this you begin to get a sense that it is indeed a bit clever.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as a 9 of its things from the thing. Either I've been more picky, have lowered my standards, or am in fine form in picking beers. Nine is great, and a beer that I find to have many things going for it, all mostly in the right direction and it stands out as being a memorable beer. Even tomorrow I'd remember this I'm sure. I love the way this unfolds and lets you enjoy the musty, the fruits, the sweetness, the coffee and then the burn at the back of the alcohol. I'd have liked more coffee, which also comes across as chocolate perhaps. It's a small but important thing that stops this taking the top rung.
The double dip review
- Am I enjoying it? I started off with a frown but it soon turned upside down into a smile.
- Would I have another? I would love another, this is very drinkable, dangerously so since it's higher in ABV.
- Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? I would and I'd be happy to extoll the virtues of all the things, Coffee, Beer, Saison beers, and explain how Cricket works.
Musically, well it seemed a good idea for it to be musics only day, so from the album "Live Sessions" "Bonobo" cracks out "Nothing Owed" Which is quite good live.
Fruity esters dominate the aroma. Clarity is good with a large foamy head on top. The addition of several spices and herbs create a complex fruity or citrusy flavor. Light to medium bodied with very high carbonation. Alcohol level is medium to high.
Belgian Strong Ales can vary from pale to dark brown in color, darker ales may be colored with dark candy sugar. Hop flavor can range from low to high, while hop aroma is low. The beers are medium to full-bodied and have a high alcoholic character. Types of beers included here include tripels, dubbels and ultra-strong abbey ales.