Sunday, November 23, 2014

Beer - #497 - Renaissance / 8 Wired - Wirecutter

Collaborative beer, Collaborative music, Collaborative Maths and a Collaboration Celebration.

This is A hoppy Scotch Ale brewed in collaboration bewteen 8 Wired Brewing & Renaissance Brewing.

500ml in the bottle that is of an 8.2% ABV beer, being  3.27 standard drink units in NZ and 249 calories a serve (330ml)

Renaissance / 8 Wired Wirecutter is brewed by Renaissance Brewing in the style that is of a  Scotch Ale and they are in Blenheim, New Zealand

[caption id="attachment_9889" align="alignleft" width="300"]Saturday Cracker Saturday Cracker[/caption]

To celebrate our years together we have done one final collaboration which is a meld of our two famous flagship beers, Stonecutter and Hopwired.
Wirecutter is therefore a Scotch Ale with big malt, huge amounts of New Zealand hops and a nice hint of smokiness.
A fitting way to cut the cord!

I've had both the Hopwired (9) and the Stonecutter (7) so a mash up might result in an 8 on average?

You'd think that would be possible, it could end up being higher the sum of the parts and all that.

What could possibly go wrong?

Certainly a hop burst of aroma on opening, it's pleasant on it's own, but I doubt it'd make a good cologne.

Renaissance : 8 Wired - Wirecutter500ml doesn't quite fill a pint glass and the small head doesn't fill the gap. It pours a lovely golden orange brown, the head darker and although tiny is persistent, I did try to get fuller but alas not. It would just have been bling.

Wow that is an explosion of tastes, lots of hops and resin and malt and sugars, a length of carry that stops just short of full and finishes somewhat sour sticky.  There is so much going on.

The hops and the associated grassiness are the dominant force though in this mismatch. I'm kind of struggling to grasp what is going on.

Lots of hops makes you go all IPA. Lots of Malt makes you go in a different direction like a Pale, I get the thinking that got them here, the best of what you did the best of what we did, I'm sure on paper great, in the glass though, not so much.

Not undrinkable though, far from it, both the hops and sweetness carry this to be quite the beer with an interesting mouthfeel, but it is a bit loud and shouty, a bit of a hooligan. I would doubt that this is on the 'keeper' list at the brewery, not only because of circumstance, if you put that aside this just does not work well as  a beer.

Summing up then you can tell I'm not a fan.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as a middle of the road and average  7 a of its things from the thing.  They tell you what it is, and they tell you why it is, I'm not convinced they stood around and gave the high-fives when it emerged.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? Not so much.

  2. Would I have another? Either of the parts perhaps, not the mash-up.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? I'd find this difficult to keep a straight face about, it is either a malted up IPA or a Hopped up Scotch, and it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Musicness I was listening to more Shoegaze , this is  "Guilty of Everything" by Nothing. Guilty of Everything is the debut studio album released by the American band Nothing. You'd find them on Bandcamp, Spotify and possibly iTunes if you had to.

I wasn't that engaged with this either, I prefer the softer end of shoe gaze rather the the soaring heavy bursts, but there are glimpses and pearls in this.


Scotch Ale was the name given to a strong pale ale from Edinburgh in the 19th century. This was typical of the strong pale ales brewed in Britain at that time - mainly pale barley malt and moderate hopping, and were not that stylistically different to English Strong Ales or Barley Wines. The name however became regionalised so that a strong pale ale from Scotland became known as a Scotch Ale or Wee Heavy. Beers using the designation Scotch Ale are popular in the USA where most examples are brewed locally. Examples of beers brewed in the USA under the name Wee Heavy tend to be 7% abv and higher, while Scottish brewed examples, such as Belhavens Wee Heavy, are typically between 5.5% and 6.5% abv.

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