Friday, February 21, 2014

Melbourne Diary.

Had a trip to Melbourne at the end of January, 5 days. 5 of some of the hottest days they've ever had. One day was 40 degrees. A bit warm.

Be warned there are a lot of photo's mostly in fuzzy-o-vision.

We arrived on a Sunday, mid-day, of course we hadn't planned for it to the Australia day, and naturally we missed the parade downtown. But we caught the end of it.

Monday was a public holiday and lots of cafe's were closed for business, leaving us only the tourista places.

We went variously to St.Kilda beach, via South Melbourne, we visited Port Melbourne and did the usual shopping things.

Spend a few dollars, had a great time, and would go back

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Visited the usual places, the markets the beaches, rode the tram, ate the food from Chinatown and  the Greeks quarters, drank the local beers.

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