Monday, November 4, 2013

Beer - #231 - Clown Shoes - Blaecorn Unidragon

That's right, A Clown Shoes - Blaecorn Unidragon. Brewed at Ipswich Ale Brewery
in the style of a Russian Imperial Stout  in the familiar sounding IpswichMassachusetts USA.

A 1 Pint 6 fl oz, or 22 fl oz, (650ml) bottle of a 12.5% ABV beer, which in NZ makes it 6.4 standard drinks, (in the US 4.6 and UK 8.1, it's a minefield)

Clown Shoes - Blaecorn UnidragonWhat should we call our Russian Imperial Stout? Black Unicorn? Soul Dragon? Nohhh. Let’s combine them and create the ultimate mythical creature: Blaecorn Unidragon.

Imbued with a monstrous amount of dark malt and aggressive hops, Blaecorn Unidragon is a powerful and complex brew designed to improve with age.

Brewed with a monstrous amount of malt and combined with aggressive American hops, this beer is powerful and complex and designed to age. Smokiness is subtle but present and blends nicely with the rich, dark flavors.

I have Cricket on the TV, and Alison Moyet playing on the music thing, I should cheese and crackers at least on the table, but I don't. I could pause to remedy that.

This is one of the beers I brought as the leaving gift. It came with a monstrous price, just saying.

Smoked and chocolate notes on opening. Dark syrupy pour with a small bit present head of mocha chocolate colours. Aroma more of a peppery bitterness.

A very full mouthfeel, really upfront caramel, and a deeper bitter hop, but in the middle there is a lovely chocolate/coffee thing going on.  Lots of tastes of dried fruit, caramel, and all sorts of nice things going on. It's certainly a whole circus. Nice finish and carry too.

Reminds myself that this is a potent beer to be drinking, but it something that you can savour and enjoy, it's not something you should be chucking down your neck with abandon.

The cricket is going sort of ok too, the music is a bit hit and miss though, bit pop music. I was expecting more, a banking after more Yazoo of Alf perhaps. wherein as I wrote she cracked out an aria thingy. Not enough.

Back to the beer, and the pending BBQ as I've been informed. The Pdubyah-O-Meter finds this to be 10 our of 10 goodly, making it an awesome beer to drink. As it warms it gets more chocolate warmth, the bitterness tails off a bit, but the wonderful full mouth feel remains. It's very clever.  Bonus that it has a head on topping up the glass, and that there was lacing. All little things that add up to this being a great choice for me. Unlike the music, and it's too early to tell about the cricket.

1 comment:

  1. There is definitely something to said for beer naming these days. Clown Shoes should be in the beer name hall of fame. And apparently, it's quite good as well. I made my own beer for about five years back in '90's. I think my best named beer was Elephant Scrotum Stout, or something like that.
