Ok, so despite the pretence that there is a gourmet beer fridge in pdubyah-land sometimes there is bulk over substance.
And bulk is Quart sized 750ML bottle of 4% ABV "beer" from Lion Brewery,
Available in many formats from 330Ml can, and bottle through the more traditional Swap-a-crate format.
Everyone, but everyone in New Zealand has had the "Leon Rouge", it's one of the most inoffensive beers made, along side depending on your choice Steinlager (Steingrenade) Waikato Draft, Speight Original, Tui and Lion Brown.
Made famous, perhaps, in the once were warriors movie, as a beer delivery method, the quart, swap-a-crate is still a respected method of drinking beer. under the "serve in" descriptor reads "comes in glass does not need pouring,drink from bottle"
The pdubyah-o-meter has a special number for this, it's a made up number. And that's all I have to say.
This is a beer you have when you need "beer" or intake of "alcohol" to be sociable. It's class is in the $ per can/bottle delivery category, and it's that inoffensive or challenging that hardly anyone would turn it down, despite the face you just made. It's bulk beer made in a constant fermentation process that may or may not contain chemicals of one thing or another.
It's also a beer you might drink when you had the good stuff and need just a little more to keep your buzz on. It is what it is. Everyone know what their version of this that we privately deride and public consume , it might be Budweiser, Coors, Watneys, Carlsberg or Fosters... et al
It's cold, wet, has a taste that is the taste it has. A beer for the occasion that you had where everyone wants a beer and one beer should suit all. The beer that's in the fridge at most corporate workplaces, it's the beer you go for for a "trade-ie as a thank you. Safe beer, Group beer. Leon Rouge, a go-to-beer in a strange bar.
As twitter would say, specially @LegGully who just says "It's a bit shit"
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