Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas - what's with that

Christmas - How mad do people go? As parents you of course like to show public largess to your children, and your closest friends. However the need to buy a couple tonnes of chocolates and assorted nuts, fruit and pastries, seems to have eluded me.

Since arriving in NZ we've spent every year at the beach, it's a simple time, away from the distraction of TV, Radio and only a daily news paper keeps us up to date with the world, it's an odd time.

This year will be a break with tradition, we're staying at home, due to work commitments of the daughter, and just because after so many years a change is as good as a rest. Menu is organized, and having pointed out that I don't get the over-indulgence, we will have at least 6 adults in the house, and then guests will arrive.

The children's christmas list, yes I know one is 20 the other 17, and you're smirking at the thought, is woefully small, or wonderfully small, depending on your view of things, I guess they appreciate having everything they need, and need for nothing, I think the youngest wants to gift a goat to someone, but has nevertheless provided a list of books that she'd like. It's all very simple.

As for MrsPdubyah well we'll have each other, I'll buy some bling as this is what I do, she'll hide it in the draw and never wear it, it's what we do.

There is no religious element to our festive time, it's family time, and time for relaxing and reflecting, I actually like the idea that in the north they call it Winterval.

I'll miss the beach though.


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