Friday, August 27, 2010

Twitter for Whingers


It's safe for me to say this here of course, but I thought twitter was a couple of things.

One for me to ramble and possibly entertain the unwary, two one for me to be entertained by the ramblings of others that I choose to be entertained by.

Three is to gather information by being a follower of a knowledge source, or vendor

and Four to interact with those people in a two-way way.

But crikey there are a couple of New Zealanders who use twitter, and who also have web-site and profess to "blog" that are dead-set out to abuse their freedom by haranguing and blustering on certain New Zealand companies, mostly the telcos.

Now the Telcos have to respond to a whinge and whine, and this somehow is taken to mean that the offensive twittering and whinging and whining can continue. It's just being bombastic. What's more it seems to give those individuals an elevated  sense of worth.

Lucky I can unfollow these from my personal account but I have to follow them from our corporate account, and that grates me so it does.

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