I don't believe there is a god. That's pretty much it. I don't have to believe there is one, and I find it hard to reconcile while people have this crushing need to believe there is one, when it is clearly contrary to all the evidence. Then of course we read it through different eyes.
I don't believe in man made climate change. I believe in climate change of course, you'd be daft not to at least grasp that there has been a progression of the seasons, and that there appears to be growing extremes of weather.
Religious types. particularly the Christian types, are pretty much the same as Climate Changists. They both cast you as "unbeliever" thereby labelling you as someone who is counter or contrary the "norm". It is not normal to be a Christian, ask any Buddhist or Muslim for instance.
and man "must be" "has to be" responsible for climate change, no if's but's or maybe's about it. Definitively and absolutely it's man. Man has to be the centre of things, it's what God would have wanted.
I find it unpalatable to be labelled unbeliever, as I would be if I was labelled "unclean" or "underclass" for instance, as I am sure it was unpalatable to be labelled "Jew" in 1940's Germany.
It's somewhat like the Ford/Holden thing that is prevelant in Australia/New Zealand. One side believes without a doubt that one V8 is better than the other. Regardless of any other cars made by them it's just about the name. There is no lucid argument as to why one is better than the other, it's based on personal preference and the winning capabilities of either on race day - in race cars that bear only passing resemblance to the road car version. But you get labelled as "Ford" person or "Holden" person even if you are driving a Mitsubishi - which quite frankly is what most of them do drive. Just illogical.
Just as it's illogical to be distainfull of theists or those that don't actually belive 'man' has broken the planet just based on your own preference.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Athiesm and Man made climate change
I don't believe there is a god. That's pretty much it. I don't have to believe there is one, and I find it hard to reconcile while people have this crushing need to believe there is one, when it is clearly contrary to all the evidence. Then of course we read it through different eyes.
I don't believe in man made climate change. I believe in climate change of course, you'd be daft not to at least grasp that there has been a progression of the seasons, and that there appears to be growing extremes of weather.
Religious types. particularly the Christian types, are pretty much the same as Climate Changists. They both cast you as "unbeliever" thereby labelling you as someone who is counter or contrary the "norm". It is not normal to be a Christian, ask any Buddhist or Muslim for instance.
and man "must be" "has to be" responsible for climate change, no if's but's or maybe's about it. Definitively and absolutely it's man. Man has to be the centre of things, it's what God would have wanted.
I find it unpalatable to be labelled unbeliever, as I would be if I was labelled "unclean" or "underclass" for instance, as I am sure it was unpalatable to be labelled "Jew" in 1940's Germany.
It's somewhat like the Ford/Holden thing that is prevelant in Australia/New Zealand. One side believes without a doubt that one V8 is better than the other. Regardless of any other cars made by them it's just about the name. There is no lucid argument as to why one is better than the other, it's based on personal preference and the winning capabilities of either on race day - in race cars that bear only passing resemblance to the road car version. But you get labelled as "Ford" person or "Holden" person even if you are driving a Mitsubishi - which quite frankly is what most of them do drive. Just illogical.
Just as it's illogical to be distainfull of theists or those that don't actually belive 'man' has broken the planet just based on your own preference.
I don't believe in man made climate change. I believe in climate change of course, you'd be daft not to at least grasp that there has been a progression of the seasons, and that there appears to be growing extremes of weather.
Religious types. particularly the Christian types, are pretty much the same as Climate Changists. They both cast you as "unbeliever" thereby labelling you as someone who is counter or contrary the "norm". It is not normal to be a Christian, ask any Buddhist or Muslim for instance.
and man "must be" "has to be" responsible for climate change, no if's but's or maybe's about it. Definitively and absolutely it's man. Man has to be the centre of things, it's what God would have wanted.
I find it unpalatable to be labelled unbeliever, as I would be if I was labelled "unclean" or "underclass" for instance, as I am sure it was unpalatable to be labelled "Jew" in 1940's Germany.
It's somewhat like the Ford/Holden thing that is prevelant in Australia/New Zealand. One side believes without a doubt that one V8 is better than the other. Regardless of any other cars made by them it's just about the name. There is no lucid argument as to why one is better than the other, it's based on personal preference and the winning capabilities of either on race day - in race cars that bear only passing resemblance to the road car version. But you get labelled as "Ford" person or "Holden" person even if you are driving a Mitsubishi - which quite frankly is what most of them do drive. Just illogical.
Just as it's illogical to be distainfull of theists or those that don't actually belive 'man' has broken the planet just based on your own preference.
Twitter for Whingers
It's safe for me to say this here of course, but I thought twitter was a couple of things.
One for me to ramble and possibly entertain the unwary, two one for me to be entertained by the ramblings of others that I choose to be entertained by.
Three is to gather information by being a follower of a knowledge source, or vendor
and Four to interact with those people in a two-way way.
But crikey there are a couple of New Zealanders who use twitter, and who also have web-site and profess to "blog" that are dead-set out to abuse their freedom by haranguing and blustering on certain New Zealand companies, mostly the telcos.
Now the Telcos have to respond to a whinge and whine, and this somehow is taken to mean that the offensive twittering and whinging and whining can continue. It's just being bombastic. What's more it seems to give those individuals an elevated sense of worth.
Lucky I can unfollow these from my personal account but I have to follow them from our corporate account, and that grates me so it does.
It's safe for me to say this here of course, but I thought twitter was a couple of things.
One for me to ramble and possibly entertain the unwary, two one for me to be entertained by the ramblings of others that I choose to be entertained by.
Three is to gather information by being a follower of a knowledge source, or vendor
and Four to interact with those people in a two-way way.
But crikey there are a couple of New Zealanders who use twitter, and who also have web-site and profess to "blog" that are dead-set out to abuse their freedom by haranguing and blustering on certain New Zealand companies, mostly the telcos.
Now the Telcos have to respond to a whinge and whine, and this somehow is taken to mean that the offensive twittering and whinging and whining can continue. It's just being bombastic. What's more it seems to give those individuals an elevated sense of worth.
Lucky I can unfollow these from my personal account but I have to follow them from our corporate account, and that grates me so it does.
All about me,
annoyed much,
Social Networking,
Friday, August 27, 2010
Twitter for Whingers
It's safe for me to say this here of course, but I thought twitter was a couple of things.
One for me to ramble and possibly entertain the unwary, two one for me to be entertained by the ramblings of others that I choose to be entertained by.
Three is to gather information by being a follower of a knowledge source, or vendor
and Four to interact with those people in a two-way way.
But crikey there are a couple of New Zealanders who use twitter, and who also have web-site and profess to "blog" that are dead-set out to abuse their freedom by haranguing and blustering on certain New Zealand companies, mostly the telcos.
Now the Telcos have to respond to a whinge and whine, and this somehow is taken to mean that the offensive twittering and whinging and whining can continue. It's just being bombastic. What's more it seems to give those individuals an elevated sense of worth.
Lucky I can unfollow these from my personal account but I have to follow them from our corporate account, and that grates me so it does.
It's safe for me to say this here of course, but I thought twitter was a couple of things.
One for me to ramble and possibly entertain the unwary, two one for me to be entertained by the ramblings of others that I choose to be entertained by.
Three is to gather information by being a follower of a knowledge source, or vendor
and Four to interact with those people in a two-way way.
But crikey there are a couple of New Zealanders who use twitter, and who also have web-site and profess to "blog" that are dead-set out to abuse their freedom by haranguing and blustering on certain New Zealand companies, mostly the telcos.
Now the Telcos have to respond to a whinge and whine, and this somehow is taken to mean that the offensive twittering and whinging and whining can continue. It's just being bombastic. What's more it seems to give those individuals an elevated sense of worth.
Lucky I can unfollow these from my personal account but I have to follow them from our corporate account, and that grates me so it does.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Blogging in 50 words or less.
Is that a "blog" if it's just 50 words on something that annoyed me?
I thought that it had to be something else, better, more insightful, interactive and meaningful, something to provoke thought or discussion.
I get annoyed a lot :-) but to be lead to a "blog" when someone advertised "I just blogged on and then you get 50 words on why their maccas was disgusting today because they had to wait isn't a blog.
That's a whinge isn't it?
I thought that it had to be something else, better, more insightful, interactive and meaningful, something to provoke thought or discussion.
I get annoyed a lot :-) but to be lead to a "blog" when someone advertised "I just blogged on and then you get 50 words on why their maccas was disgusting today because they had to wait isn't a blog.
That's a whinge isn't it?
All about me,
annoyed much,
Blogging isn't,
I got a new car
A red one. A Holden one.
It has more frippery than I can list, including a trip computer, Leather (Heated Seats) and a connector for a MP3 player.
It also apparently has a fuel consumption guide listed as 8.5 Litres per 100 Kms.
HA! I laugh at you. I've managed a 9.4 so far. And I'm not exactly Schumacher - and I'll tell you why.
The OCD part of me wants to (needs to) have some clarity and objective. So when the tip computer says my fuel consumption is 10.2 I need it to be 10.1. Then I need it to be 10.0 and then 9.9 and so on. Currently it is 8.9, and it's also saying I have enough go juice to go 648Kms.
I drive 30-odd kms to work and the same 30-odd kms home. Mostly in heavy traffic on the motorway. Alarmingly the fuel consumption at idle is horrific (I base this on the way the L per 100km figure keeps getting bigger, not on any scientific basis.
As I get nearer empty the chances of me getting the current 8.9 figure down -as an average to 8.5 diminishes - woe is me - this is stressful.
Still as I ponder this whilst sitting in my comfy warm heated leather seats I wonder how in earth they get to an urban cycle figure of 8.5 which seems improbable. Short journeys - such as I take on the weekend - seem to be very punishing, lots of stop signs and car-parks.
The only thing I can think of then is to go the long way to get the magic 8.5 figure - which means leaving earlier and spending more on petrol overall.
I may just give up.
BUT on the other hand it does have a connector for my MP3 - just a simple thing not a flash usb one, but I'm working on it. This has allowed me to listen again to some goodly music in the car. Which in the last week has included things like Gary Numan, Siouxie and the Banshees, Joy Division, Stranglers, Sex Pistols and other stuff like Massive Attack, Gorillaz, Pheonix Foundation and Fat Freddy's Drop.
Not all of this music is memorable or indeed much good, but I remember a goodly amount of the words so that must make them classics right ?
So there I am comfy in the aforementioned heated leather seats singing away - which is awesome but not as legendary as singing on the bus. I must be a sight to behold to the travellers - but I figured out if you wear a blue-tooth ear thingy you can at least pretend you're on the phone :-)
All about me,
Global Car,
New car,
new cars,
Red like a fire engine,
Singing on the bus
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Blogging in 50 words or less.
Is that a "blog" if it's just 50 words on something that annoyed me?
I thought that it had to be something else, better, more insightfull, interactive and meaningfull, something to provoke thought or discussion.
I get annoyed a lot :-) but to be lead to a "blog" when someone advertisesd "I just blogged onand then you get 50 words on why their maccas was disgusting today because they had to wait isn't a blog.
That's a whinge isn't it?
I thought that it had to be something else, better, more insightfull, interactive and meaningfull, something to provoke thought or discussion.
I get annoyed a lot :-) but to be lead to a "blog" when someone advertisesd "I just blogged on
That's a whinge isn't it?
I got a new car
A red one. A Holden one.
It has more frippery than I can list, including a trip computer, Leather (Heated Seats) and a connector for a MP3 player.
It also apparently has a fuel consumption guide listed as 8.5 Litres per 100 Kms.
HA! I laugh at you. I've managed a 9.4 so far. And I'm not exactly Schumacher - and I'll tell you why.
The OCD part of me wants to (needs to) have some clarity and objective. So when the tip computer says my fuel consumption is 10.2 I need it to be 10.1. Then I need it to be 10.0 and then 9.9 and so on. Currently it is 8.9, and it's also saying I have enough go juice to go 648Kms.
I drive 30-odd kms to work and the same 30-odd kms home. Mostly in heavy traffic on the motorway. Alarmingly the fuel consumption at idle is horrific (I base this on the way the L per 100km figure keeps getting bigger, not on any scientific basis.
As I get nearer empty the chances of me getting the current 8.9 figure down -as an average to 8.5 diminishes - woe is me - this is stressful.
Still as I ponder this whilst sitting in my comfy warm heated leather seats I wonder how in earth they get to an urban cycle figure of 8.5 which seems improbable. Short journeys - such as I take on the weekend - seem to be very punishing, lots of stop signs and car-parks.
The only thing I can think of then is to go the long way to get the magic 8.5 figure - which means leaving earlier and spending more on petrol overall.
I may just give up.
BUT on the other hand it does have a connector for my MP3 - just a simple thing not a flash usb one, but I'm working on it. This has allowed me to listen again to some goodly music in the car. Which in the last week has included things like Gary Numan, Siouxie and the Banshees, Joy Division, Stranglers, Sex Pistols and other stuff like Massive Attack, Gorillaz, Pheonix Foundation and Fat Freddy's Drop.
Not all of this music is memorable or indeed much good, but I remember a goodly amount of the words so that must make them classics right ?
So there I am comfy in the aforementioned heated leather seats singing away - which is awesome but not as legendary as singing on the bus. I must be a sight to behold to the travellers - but I figured out if you wear a blue-tooth ear thingy you can at least pretend you're on the phone :-)
It has more frippery than I can list, including a trip computer, Leather (Heated Seats) and a connector for a MP3 player.
It also apparently has a fuel consumption guide listed as 8.5 Litres per 100 Kms.
HA! I laugh at you. I've managed a 9.4 so far. And I'm not exactly Schumacher - and I'll tell you why.
The OCD part of me wants to (needs to) have some clarity and objective. So when the tip computer says my fuel consumption is 10.2 I need it to be 10.1. Then I need it to be 10.0 and then 9.9 and so on. Currently it is 8.9, and it's also saying I have enough go juice to go 648Kms.
I drive 30-odd kms to work and the same 30-odd kms home. Mostly in heavy traffic on the motorway. Alarmingly the fuel consumption at idle is horrific (I base this on the way the L per 100km figure keeps getting bigger, not on any scientific basis.
As I get nearer empty the chances of me getting the current 8.9 figure down -as an average to 8.5 diminishes - woe is me - this is stressful.
Still as I ponder this whilst sitting in my comfy warm heated leather seats I wonder how in earth they get to an urban cycle figure of 8.5 which seems improbable. Short journeys - such as I take on the weekend - seem to be very punishing, lots of stop signs and car-parks.
The only thing I can think of then is to go the long way to get the magic 8.5 figure - which means leaving earlier and spending more on petrol overall.
I may just give up.
BUT on the other hand it does have a connector for my MP3 - just a simple thing not a flash usb one, but I'm working on it. This has allowed me to listen again to some goodly music in the car. Which in the last week has included things like Gary Numan, Siouxie and the Banshees, Joy Division, Stranglers, Sex Pistols and other stuff like Massive Attack, Gorillaz, Pheonix Foundation and Fat Freddy's Drop.
Not all of this music is memorable or indeed much good, but I remember a goodly amount of the words so that must make them classics right ?
So there I am comfy in the aforementioned heated leather seats singing away - which is awesome but not as legendary as singing on the bus. I must be a sight to behold to the travellers - but I figured out if you wear a blue-tooth ear thingy you can at least pretend you're on the phone :-)
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