Sunday, June 26, 2011

The sport of watching sport

I watch my daughter at hockey. Shes progressed through the years aand plats a respectable level for a decent club, in fact premier Womens level.

The game today was marred by poor umpiring. Not the type of poor umpiring where the umpire wants to be involved in the game, but generally poor umpiring decisions and decision making,

Which is a shame.

They won 3-2, and were denied a penalty corner at the end of the game because the poorer of the two umpires was time keeping and being very pedantic about that if at least nothing else in the game.

Now I'm not an umpire, don't claim to be one, but other umpires I was sitting with also made comments and observations, so I feel righteous in my whine.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The sport of watching sport

I watch my daughter at hockey. Shes progressed through the years aand plats a respectable level for a decent club, in fact premier Womens level.

The game today was marred by poor umpiring. Not the type of poor umpiring where the umpire wants to be involved in the game, but generally poor umpiring decisions and decision making,

Which is a shane,

They weon 3-2, and were denied a penalty corner at the end of the game because the poorer of the two umpires was time keeping and being very pedantic about that if at least nothing else in the game.

Now I'm not an umpire, don't claim to be one, but other umpires I was sitting with also made comments and observations, so I feel righteous in my whine

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Anti Vax nonsense

The "Immunisation Awareness Society Inc" is like the anti-abortion pro-life nonsense

They aren't promoting a choice or information they are spreading gossip, innuendo and mis-information based on scare tactics, half-truths and anecdote

They have a couple of principles

Of them these are the ones that make me fume

1. That natural immunity is far superior to artificial immunity
        >  Of course the measles outbreak in Auckland at the moment is natural, but of the 26 cases 23 are with children that have not been vaccinated

4. That appropriate allopathic (conventional) and homoeopathic/naturopathic treatment in the event of illness is safer and more effective than trying to prevent illness through artificial immunity.
       > Whilst I might agree that Naturopathy has some basis in fact, homeopathy never in a trillion years is a sugar pill or glass of water ever going to be effective unless you crave sugar or are dehydrated

5. That most diseases contracted by a healthy child, at an appropriate age in childhood, provide important challenges to the immune system enabling it to mature and strengthen, and almost always provide lifelong immunity to the disease.
      > I just don't know where to begin with this, appropriate age to catch a disease for which you have no immunity from, what's with that? and "almost always" = "sometimes never"

They have some great objectives, but none of which is to ensure that disease like Measles doesn't become an unwelcome epidemic.

It might be that I, and the vast majority of people, see vaccine as a sensible option that is seems they disguise thinly their loathing for vaccine in every sentence, but "To empower parents to take responsibility for their own and their family's health regarding vaccination" means nothign if their child then gets a vaccine preventable disease, like measles

I have never read such nonsense as that by  Jonathan Eisen who has "an understanding" which is the equivalent of a shreik of "I know my rights" by someone confronted by a policeman

He does however make one valid observation "Viruses come and go in their frequency and virulence". Yes that would be true, the need for a herd to protect against a disease would change, if the incidence of a disease diminished because of increased immune response then over time would expect to see an increase in the incidence of that disease again, as the immune response waned in response top the lessened threat.

thre is an outbreak that has 26 cases diagnosed  - Twenty-four of the cases were in unimmunised people, while the other two possibly had one measles immunisation overseas I bet the IAS will conveniently ignore that

Losing your mother

Not like at the mall or anything, or in a carpark, but the death of a parent.

In context I left the UK in 1987 and spent a goodly amount of money on a 3 months stay in the US of A.

My father died in 1988 of a long overdue fatal stroke, due to smoking and a sedentary job.

My mother endured many tribulations, including a physically abusive drug addicted brother, and of course seeing her siblings pass away as the years went past.

She ended up in a sheltered accommodation, a granny ghetto, which by all accounts was pretty awesome and very communal, suited my mother to a T

I'd call her 3-4 times a year (I kid myself of course it was more like  twice a year), and send amounts of money as she carped on about shoes or coats or frocks, any little to helped

It was clear that she was older and increasingly frail, with a number of small operations to fix bits of her that were falling off, and had had minor corrective sugary on a hernia.

I spoke to her on the Monday, after the February Earthquake in Christchurch, making sure she understood that Christchurch was the other island, and that she'd been there on a previous visit, and that everyone was fine and dandy and in no dangers.

She had a massive stroke that night, never awoke and died a week or so later.

Closure is a difficult thing to define, and I'll never have a real sense that I said all I wanted to, you never do.

The Story So far

I like the idea that the last post from me was a couple weeks ago, or december, whatever

Much has happened in such a short space of time

I became an Orphan, my mother died suddenly and unexpectedly earlier this year.
My Daughter got a car and drives her self everywhere with new found freedom.
My Daughter had a personal setback when she didn't make a  Representative 'A' team, but with amazing inner strenght that I didn't know she had, chose to go to the same tournament as an Umpire, itself a great honor.

I've been to Christchurch, Mt.Cook and Queenstown, and even indulged in some poor quality 'planking'

Numerology - buy the numbers


The idea that numbers, combinations of numbers, or letters converted to number equivalents somehow define a person, behaviour, future events , past problems or can be manipulated to change an outcome of an event.

For realsie!

Numerology is not a science.

It does not use scientific principles.

Numbers do not “vibrate”

I'm just going to list some things that I found on a website that made me frown;

Numerology is a science that has the power to guide you. It gives an insight into your inner character, personality and real self.

This particular "scientist also uses Tarot- which they say of - Tarot taps the sub-conscious mind and as many psychologists would vouch, interpretations of subconscious mind are always accurate”

Science of numbers has a logical order which emits vibrations that map your life.

There is nothing in existence which is not affected - or explainable - by numbers

Numerology reveals an individual’s karmic patterns that require healing or treatment

The moment you are is born, numbers begin to impact your life. Every number in your life graph has a meaning and its own distinct potency. Numbers emit vibrations. Vibrations are everywhere.

All numbers do not vibrate equally well with each other. Every number has its own distinct potency and quality. Each person has a number based on their name and another number based on their date of birth.

Numerology enhances vibrations by attracting positivity and harmony, and improves the imbalance in numbers. When the imbalance is rectified, your life gradually improves and you achieve the ability to change your life

Tarot cards never lie. They reveal your situation at the time you have picked a card.

Numerology is a science and numerologist is a specialist that offers treatment. It is the treatment of vibrations

Date of birth cannot be changed but the name can be changed to bring in line with the date of birth. For any name change it is highly advisable to go through a trained numerologist only. Attempting name changes on your own can be harmful.

Signature correction helps to add positive vibrations and enhance growth in life

I found a web site that did this for me: But there was a warning"Most authorities agree that the full birth name as recorded on your birth certificate is the name that must be used for all calculations involving name"

There are 15 letters in your name.

Those 15 letters total to 83

There are 6 vowels and 9 consonants in your nameYour number is: 11 The characteristics of #11 are: High spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer

Your Soul Urge number is: 7

Your Inner Dream number is: 4

It's easy to see how these generalizations are attractive, there is nothing in there that you cou'dn't come up with easily from a random generator. I bet there are other equally as impressive generators on line.

Anti Vax nonsense

The "Immunisation Awareness Society Inc" is like the anti-abortion pro-life nonsense

They aren't promoting a choice or information they are spreading gossip, innuendo and mis-information based on scare tactics, half-truths and anecdote

They have a couple of principles

Of them these are the ones that make me fume

1. That natural immunity is far superior to artificial immunity
        >  Of course the measles outbreak in Auckland at the moment is natural, but of the 26 cases 23 are with children that have not been vaccinated

4. That appropriate allopathic (conventional) and homoeopathic/naturopathic treatment in the event of illness is safer and more effective than trying to prevent illness through artificial immunity.
       > Whilst I might agree that Naturopathy has some basis in fact, homeopathy never in a trillion years is a sugar pill or glass of water ever going to be effective unless you crave sugar or are dehydrated

5. That most diseases contracted by a healthy child, at an appropriate age in childhood, provide important challenges to the immune system enabling it to mature and strengthen, and almost always provide lifelong immunity to the disease.
      > I just don't know where to begin with this, appropriate age to catch a disease for which you have no immunity from, what's with that? and "almost always" = "sometimes never"

They have some great objectives, but none of which is to ensure that disease like Measles doesn't become an unwelcome epidemic.

It might be that I, and the vast majority of people, see vaccine as a sensible option that is seems they disguise thinly their loathing for vaccine in every sentence, but "To empower parents to take responsibility for their own and their family's health regarding vaccination" means nothign if their child then gets a vaccine preventable disease, like measles

I have never read such nonsense as that by  Jonathan Eisen who has "an understanding" which is the equivalent of a shreik of "I know my rights" by someone confronted by a policeman

He does however make one valid observation "Viruses come and go in their frequency and virulence". Yes that would be true, the need for a herd to protect against a disease would change, if the incidence of a disease diminished because of increased immune response then over time would expect to see an increase in the incidence of that disease again, as the immune response waned in response top the lessened threat.

thre is an outbreak that has 26 cases diagnosed  - Twenty-four of the cases were in unimmunised people, while the other two possibly had one measles immunisation overseas I bet the IAS will conveniently ignore that

Losing your mother

Not like at the mall or anything, or in a carpark, but the death of a parent.

In context I left the UK in 1987 and spent a goodly amount of money on a 3 months stay in the US of A.

My father died in 1988 of a long overdue fatal stroke, due to smoking and a sedentary job.

My mother endured many tribulations, including a physically abusive drug addicted brother, and of course seeing her siblings pass away as the years went past.

She ended up in a sheltered accommodation, a granny ghetto, which by all accounts was pretty awesome and very communal, suited my mother to a T

I'd call her 3-4 times a year (I kid myself of course it was more like  twice a year), and send amounts of money as she carped on about shoes or coats or frocks, any little to helped

It was clear that she was older and increasingly frail, with a number of small operations to fix bits of her that were falling off, and had had minor corrective sugary on a hernia.

I spoke to her on the Monday, after the February Earthquake in Christchurch, making sure she understood that Christchurch was the other island, and that she'd been there on a previous visit, and that everyone was fine and dandy and in no dangers.

She had a massive stroke that night, never awoke and died a week or so later.

Closure is a difficult thing to define, and I'll never have a real sense that I said all I wanted to, you never do.

The Story So far

I like the idea that the last post from me was a couple weeks ago, or december, whatever

Much has happened in such a short space of time

I became an Orphan, my mother died suddenly and unexpectedly earlier this year.
My Daughter got a car and drives her self everywhere with new found freedom.
My Daughter had a personal setback when she didn't make a  Representative 'A' team, but with amazing inner strenght that I didn't know she had, chose to go to the same tournament as an Umpire, itself a great honor.
I've been to Christchurch, Mt.Cook and Queenstown, and even indulged in some poor quality 'planking'

Numerology - buy the numbers


The idea that numbers, combinations of numbers, or letters converted to number equivalents somehow define a person, behaviour, future events , past problems or can be manipulated to change an outcome of an event.

For realsie!

Numerology is not a science.

It does not use scientific principles.

Numbers do not “vibrate”

I'm just going to list some things that I found on a website that made me frown;

Numerology is a science that has the power to guide you. It gives an insight into your inner character, personality and real self.

This particular "scientist also uses Tarot- which they say of - Tarot taps the sub-conscious mind and as many psychologists would vouch, interpretations of subconscious mind are always accurate”

Science of numbers has a logical order which emits vibrations that map your life.

There is nothing in existence which is not affected - or explainable - by numbers

Numerology reveals an individual’s karmic patterns that require healing or treatment

The moment you are is born, numbers begin to impact your life. Every number in your life graph has a meaning and its own distinct potency. Numbers emit vibrations. Vibrations are everywhere.

All numbers do not vibrate equally well with each other. Every number has its own distinct potency and quality. Each person has a number based on their name and another number based on their date of birth.

Numerology enhances vibrations by attracting positivity and harmony, and improves the imbalance in numbers. When the imbalance is rectified, your life gradually improves and you achieve the ability to change your life

Tarot cards never lie. They reveal your situation at the time you have picked a card.

Numerology is a science and numerologist is a specialist that offers treatment. It is the treatment of vibrations

Date of birth cannot be changed but the name can be changed to bring in line with the date of birth. For any name change it is highly advisable to go through a trained numerologist only. Attempting name changes on your own can be harmful.

Signature correction helps to add positive vibrations and enhance growth in life

I found a web site that did this for me: But there was a warning"Most authorities agree that the full birth name as recorded on your birth certificate is the name that must be used for all calculations involving name"

There are 15 letters in your name.

Those 15 letters total to 83

There are 6 vowels and 9 consonants in your nameYour number is: 11 The characteristics of #11 are: High spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer

Your Soul Urge number is: 7

Your Inner Dream number is: 4

It's easy to see how these generalizations are attractive, there is nothing in there that you cou'dn't come up with easily from a random generator. I bet there are other equally as impressive generators on line.