Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's a Dog's name

Let me start by saying NO! we're not getting a dog. Of any kind. Or perhaps yes one of those one that sits on the shelf in the back of the car and nods. But not a real one.

So someone suggested that I should get a Beagle. So I shared this in the cube farm.

Sending pictures to my wife, sending her links on where to buy one - bad form!

I get home and she's written a list of names


just the three I can remember, and if I had a choice, not that there will be a choice, I would go with Gordon.

BUT that's the name of the brother of a fellow cube farmist. Bad form.

BUT you can't have one beagle, you have to have two, they like companionship and get lonely.
BUT they are baying dogs
BUT they are notoriously single minded and hard to train - they get a sniff and they are off. Well they are sniffing baying dogs.

And they dig holes

And I don't want to spend thousands on a fence to keep the critters in.

But two names - think of that
Starsky and Hutch
Mills and Boon
Benny and Joon
Pak N Save
Horse and Trap

So there you have it, the dog I never had.

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's a Dog's name

Let me start by saying NO! we're not getting a dog. Of any kind. Or perhaps yes one of those one that sits on the shelf in the back of the car and nods. But not a real one.

So someone suggested that I should get a Beagle. So I shared this in the cube farm.

Sending pictures to my wife, sending her links on where to buy one - bad form!

I get home and she's written a list of names


just the three I can remember, and if I had a choice, not that there will be a choice, I would go with Gordon.

BUT that's the name of the brother of a fellow cube farmist. Bad form.

BUT you can't have one beagle, you have to have two, they like companionship and get lonely.
BUT they are baying dogs
BUT they are notoriously single minded and hard to train - they get a sniff and they are off. Well they are sniffing baying dogs.

And they dig holes

And I don't want to spend thousands on a fence to keep the critters in.

But two names - think of that
Starsky and Hutch
Mills and Boon
Benny and Joon
Pak N Save
Horse and Trap

So there you have it, the dog I never had.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Word War II wasn't about Jews and 9/11 wasn't about Firemen

In my opinion, the actions of School kids when confronted with Nazi Symbolism and images at a museum exhibition was totally predictable.

The reaction of the Jewish council - again predictable.

However the War wasn't about Jews. and Jews seem to have or want to hijack history and hammer relentlessly the holocaust, the holocaust. Sidestepping the gypsies, infirm, gays and anyone else caught up by circumstance in the aspect of the war that was concentration camps.

Don't worry about the carpet bombing of civilians, that's what? Unfortunate? Allowed? Don't worry about any other war crimes - hey they all pale into insignificance right, so we can ignore them?

But can't overlook the Jews. No Sir! Lest we forget it's all about them and only them.

Now I open myself up to all sorts of abuse and accusations with this opinion. And you have then not understood a word of it. The War happened. Lots of people died. Germans, English, Russians - a lot of Russians, Americans, French, Japanese and more than a lot more other nationalities also lost citizens, either conscripted soldiers or unfortunate bystanders.

For Jews to rail at ignorance of youth implies they only want the high ground. They don't do anything at or with schools to education or provide education - that of course would be indoctrination, but I bet dollars to cents that they don't have an active education lobby going on that would require teaching of the whole history of WWII. They only want the high ground.

Much like 9/11. Which has all become about Firemen. Brave as they were the willful destruction by terrorism wasn't about Firemen. But hey guess what every remembrance - I was tempted to say celebration - involves almost exclusively Firemen. Disproportionately represented yes - about them no.

Are these good things? Do we need "Leaders" in remembrance. Yes of course.

Do we need leaders in only one aspect - or leaders that re-write or concentrate only on one aspect of an event - no.

Are the kids insensitive - yes they are. But ignorance of youth is no excuse to high ground and make a stand. If it's offensive it's offensive - or do you allow a museum display as in context ? In context to who? and what?

Word War II wasn't about Jews and 9/11 wasn't about Firemen

In my opinion, the actions of School kids when confronted with Nazi Symbolism and images at a museum exhibition was totally predictable.

The reaction of the Jewish council - again predictable.

However the War wasn't about Jews. and Jews seem to have or want to hijack history and hammer relentlessly the holocaust, the holocaust. Sidestepping the gypsies, infirm, gays and anyone else caught up by circumstance in the aspect of the war that was concentration camps.

Don't worry about the carpet bombing of civilians, that's what? Unfortunate? Allowed? Don't worry about any other war crimes - hey they all pale into insignificance right, so we can ignore them?

But can't overlook the Jews. No Sir! Lest we forget it's all about them and only them.

Now I open myself up to all sorts of abuse and accusations with this opinion. And you have then not understood a word of it. The War happened. Lots of people died. Germans, English, Russians - a lot of Russians, Americans, French, Japanese and more than a lot more other nationalities also lost citizens, either conscripted soldiers or unfortunate bystanders.

For Jews to rail at ignorance of youth implies they only want the high ground. They don't do anything at or with schools to education or provide education - that of course would be indoctrination, but I bet dollars to cents that they don't have an active education lobby going on that would require teaching of the whole history of WWII. They only want the high ground.

Much like 9/11. Which has all become about Firemen. Brave as they were the willful destruction by terrorism wasn't about Firemen. But hey guess what every remembrance - I was tempted to say celebration - involves almost exclusively Firemen. Disproportionately represented yes - about them no.

Are these good things? Do we need "Leaders" in remembrance. Yes of course.

Do we need leaders in only one aspect - or leaders that re-write or concentrate only on one aspect of an event - no.

Are the kids insensitive - yes they are. But ignorance of youth is no excuse to high ground and make a stand. If it's offensive it's offensive - or do you allow a museum display as in context ? In context to who? and what?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Having one of each, children that is.

Seriously I have one of each. Children that is.

In many ways!

Eldest is a boy, youngest therefore a girl - not rocket surgery there then

Boy is a rather solid and imposing figure, Daughter is thin.

Boy is drifting along not able to focus on study and is leaving school this year - but only because he can't go back - and had no idea what to do next, work, Uni, or go overseas.

Girl is very diligent and getting near top marks for most anything she does

Boy is world champion of surfing the Internet, if that could be a prize he'd be a contender. Idea of exercise is to open an energy drink.

Girl, what can I tell you, Plays hockey, Players player of they year, School Player of the year, Accredited NZ Jnr Umpire, Best umpire at National Tournament award. it goes on

Boy drives a car, worked for cash, saved up, passed his test (!!!! how did that happen) and drives reasonably well

Daughter has a newly acquired drivers licence but isn't keen "I wouldn't know which buttons to put my feet on" !

So genuinely I have a mixed bag of children, each at some point in some things the total opposite of the other. I'm sure they'll work out, people usually do.

Having one of each, children that is.

Seriously I have one of each. Children that is.

In many ways!

Eldest is a boy, youngest therefore a girl - not rocket surgery there then

Boy is a rather solid and imposing figure, Daughter is thin.

Boy is drifting along not able to focus on study and is leaving school this year - but only because he can't go back - and had no idea what to do next, work, Uni, or go overseas.

Girl is very diligent and getting near top marks for most anything she does

Boy is world champion of surfing the Internet, if that could be a prize he'd be a contender. Idea of exercise is to open an energy drink.

Girl, what can I tell you, Plays hockey, Players player of they year, School Player of the year, Accredited NZ Jnr Umpire, Best umpire at National Tournament award. it goes on

Boy drives a car, worked for cash, saved up, passed his test (!!!! how did that happen) and drives reasonably well

Daughter has a newly acquired drivers licence but isn't keen "I wouldn't know which buttons to put my feet on" !

So genuinely I have a mixed bag of children, each at some point in some things the total opposite of the other. I'm sure they'll work out, people usually do.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My New Car.

Well new to me. But this isn't as simple as you'd think.

  1. Think of a budget.

  2. Every car you like costs at least $2k more. No use kidding yourself that you've set your budget too low, or pretending to yourself that your budget is flexible. It shouldn't be.

But a car is a car is a car? Not remotely no.  But when did it all start to go difficult.

Back in the day you had a Model-T. in Black. Big Rims and all. But cars seem to get smaller and smaller, and then suddenly bigger and bigger. I think perhaps the Americans had something to do with car bloat.

But what do you really need. I know what you don't need. A stonky great big 4x4 for commuting is what you don't need. Similarly Smart Car or Micro-car for the same job. Are you stupid.

And apart from "sports cars" that are by an large seen as "girly" cars in this part of the world, or Penis substitutes if you are older, there isn't a decent 2-door car to be had.

Which would be sensible right. Why haul a couple tonne of steel and foam about with you when all you need really is one seat.

I wish is was that easy.

Some cars seem timeless, some just look old the day they came off the line. Some have beginners design school gradutard all over them, liberal use of plastic bumpers an all. Some are manly, some are girly, some are gender neutral.

All of them are just cars.

I don't care as much as I used to, he says, but to me, the car is an extension of you. So I want to drive something wild and out-there but also conservative and easy (read cheap) to maintain. Such is the way things are.

Short list? I don't even have a long list. Except that once you start looking you have flash-back of nostalgia, what about a Ford Cortina Mk5, or a Capri? or hey a Torana. Classic Mini? Mini-Van. They are there if you look or want to look hard enough. And have enough for two cars since they can't be reliable even with the best will in the world I couldn't see it happening.

Also you need something that no-one is going to nick off with. key or otherwise damage or give you stick about. So that crosses of a fair few too.

I'll let you know how this goes, it hasn't started well :-(

Monday, October 5, 2009

My New Car.

Well new to me. But this isn't as simple as you'd think.

1. Think of a budget.
2. Every car you like costs at least $2k more. No use kidding yourself that you've set your budget too low, or pretending to yourself that your budget is flexible. It shouldn't be.

But a car is a car is a car? Not remotely no.  But when did it all start to go difficult.

Back in the day you had a Model-T. in Black. Big Rims and all. But cars seem to get smaller and smaller, and then suddenly bigger and bigger. I think perhaps the Americans had something to do with car bloat.

But what do you really need. I know what you don't need. A stonky great big 4x4 for commuting is what you don't need. Similarly Smart Car or Micro-car for the same job. Are you stupid.

And apart from "sports cars" that are by an large seen as "girly" cars in this part of the world, or Penis substitutes if you are older, there isn't a decent 2-door car to be had.

Which would be sensible right. Why haul a couple tonne of steel and foam about with you when all you need really is one seat.

I wish is was that easy.

Some cars seem timeless, some just look old the day they came off the line. Some have beginners design school gradutard all over them, liberal use of plastic bumpers an all. Some are manly, some are girly, some are gender neutral.

All of them are just cars.

I don't care as much as I used to, he says, but to me, the car is an extension of you. So I want to drive something wild and out-there but also conservative and easy (read cheap) to maintain. Such is the way things are.

Short list? I don't even have a long list. Except that once you start looking you have flash-back of nostalgia, what about a Ford Cortina Mk5, or a Capri? or hey a Torana. Classic Mini? Mini-Van. They are there if you look or want to look hard enough. And have enough for two cars since they can't be reliable even with the best will in the world I couldn't see it happening.

Also you need something that no-one is going to nick off with. key or otherwise damage or give you stick about. So that crosses of a fair few too.

I'll let you know how this goes, it hasn't started well :-(